Submitted by @The_Harem_Queen, Author of "My OC Characters"

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When I was in 8th grade, this girl who I'm calling M, always talked about me behind my back for no reason which I didn't like. I've never done anything to her, to make her hate me do why did she bully me? I started to stand up for myself but it never really worked.

In the summer guys always would stare at my body and make sexual comments towards me, which made me fell sick. My body developed at a young age so I had the figure of a petite young adult. Sometimes the guys would smack my butt or just stare at me with a sick smile on their face. I'm only 16 but many people think I'm in my early 20's. I hate the attention and it makes me feel dirty.

Well back to the subject, when I got into high school I was quiet and stayed to myself. But everything changed when I met my now ex-boyfriend who I'm calling A. When I was with him everything was great but when we had sex and one of his friends found out, everyone called me a "Slut" or a "Thot" which made me sick to my stomach.

Soon I wanted to kill myself but I couldn't do it. I knew that if I even tried I would feel sick, so instead of cutting I skipped meals a few times a week. I've had a few nightmares and a couple run in with guys, most older than me.

I'm still called by them names but I don't care anymore. As long as you know someone loves you then don't let the world break you down. It kinda makes me angry but it doesn't matter. Yes I've cried and told myself that I was fat and that no one would love me but I knew it wasn't true.

So to all the people out there, just love and trust in yourself cause no one can break you down unless you let them.

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