Submitted by @AleysahDyer

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So, this friend of mine had just moved to my school a few weeks prior. She was very shy and nervous and never really talked to anyone. Well at the time, I was involved with two girls. They were really mean and made fun of people behind their backs all the time, were into having a lot of sex, and did different drugs. I never did any of the things except go along with the name calling of other girls. I am ashamed that I took part in this.

So these girls and another girl whom I'm not very close to begin to spread things around that the new girl was spreading rumors about one of the three girls. I admittedly confronted the girl in a rude manner, mainly because I was fed up with all of the drama.

These rumors continued and the people acting nasty towards the new girl grew. Well apparently, two of the girls had reached their limit with her 'spreading things' behind their backs and both of them confronted her about it after lunch. Before they got there, I once again confronted her in a not so nice manner.

After I was through, the two girls moved forward and began to cuss her out and yell mean things at her. I witnessed the whole ordeal, staying silent because frankly, those girls scared me. I always did what they asked and never spoke up. Well, the girl went to the office crying and one of the mean girls started whining to me about always being the bad guy. I, in turn, took her side like always.

She complained about it until I felt guilty and went to the guidance counselor's office. At first I began to take my mean friend's side and say that the new girl was starting things, but then my counselor pointed out that the new girl was shy, quiet, and didn't talk much.

So then I began talking to her about the two mean girls and how they pressured me into a lot of what I said and did and who I hung out with. Yes, I suppose you could call it snitching, but the next day the two girls weren't there and I apologized profusely to the new girl. She accepted my apology and we've been friends since.

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