Submitted by Anonymous

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I'm 13 and am a happy person, I have good and trustworthy friends and am generally doing fine. There was a girl in my school, let's call her Amy. Amy was a really nice person and was liked by everyone, until rumours started going round about her, saying that she did different things with other boys around the area. She was called a slut and whore for a while.

When I asked her about it, she denied everything and I believed her because my school was known for rumours. So I stood up for her and told people to stop spreading around rumours and it slowly stopped and everything was back to normal.

A few weeks later, rumours started going round that she had done more things with boys. I asked her again, and this time she admitted everything. I was slightly hurt that she lied to me in the first place, and I ended up telling a few people. I'm not sure if they told anyone else, but it became worse. She lost all of her friends, and I was the only one who she trusted. I felt really bad because I had told people when she trusted me.

Eventually people forgot and she wasn't teased anymore but was still disliked by many. I never really got in touch with her over that summer, but when she came back, she had made 2 new friends, who she trusted with everything and told everything to. Somehow I had gotten into a big fight with all 3 of them, which ended up with us getting kicked out of school for 3 days. When we all apologised, the two broke friends with Amy and then she had no friends again.

I still didn't like Amy but I never said anything when she tagged along with me and my friends. I soon heard that Amy was talking about me behind my back, so when I asked her, she ended up crying and I had to apologise. The name calling and slut shaming soon got worse, and Amy was considering suicide, so everyone suddenly started being kind to Amy again.

Until we found out Amy was never going to commit suicide. We thought she was just making us feel sorry for her. After that, she lost all friends, including myself. She had nobody, the name calling continued but this time I didn't do anything about it, I even joined in at times.

She made one new friend, who introduced her to many others and she was happy again. Amy apologised and we eventually started talking again. Everyone was happy again, until she went to third base with someone in the school library. But this time it wasn't a rumour at all, for I actually witnessed it with a friend. When I asked her, she denied it straight to my face, despite seeing me in the library at the time. I was extremely angry with her, and when she denied it to my friends, I told them the truth.

She ended up being called names and more again, she lost her friends again but still tagged along with them even though they told me they never liked her. Amy then started talking my friend's boyfriend into doing sexual things with each other behind my friend's back through text messaging. Luckily the boyfriend was loyal enough to say no and show the chat to his girlfriend and Amy ended up being confronted by everyone.

Everyone turned against Amy and all the boys were chanting 'Amy is a slut!' all day and everyday in school. Even though I didn't like Amy, I never liked what I was seeing, but just wasn't going to stop it. It continued until the summer break, and now Amy is still slut shamed today, fake accounts are made of her on social media and she is known as a slut and whore to people who she hasn't even met.

I heard she moved to another state, and I still regret not standing up for her and letting the slut shaming continue. I hope she doesn't get put down by her past and I wish her the best in the future.

I really hope slut shaming stops soon because I have witnessed it and and it is a terrible thing to see. Nobody deserves to be called a slut and whore because of their actions, it's their life and their choices, nobody else's.

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