Submitted by @Augustina14

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My bullying started in my fourth year of high school. I'm from Nigeria and our high school is 6 years. The hottest guy in school asked me out and of course I said yes, ignoring my friends' warning. I fell for him fast but after 3 months he dumped me for his ex, who he assured me he was through with, but had been cheating on me with.

I thought my world was about to end. My parents hated me and when they found out I had dated a boy my dad beat me till there were scars all over my body. After that, life became hell for me and my dad never let me leave the house, so my only friends were at school.

Soon my principal found out about it and I was the only one that got punished, and that was when I started getting bullied. He would assemble students together and insult me every day. He would flog me every day and punish me.

Soon I was known as the school's slut, when I had never had sex before and still haven't. Everyone began to insult me, most of my friends turned against me. I then started binge eating and developed depression, so he also used my weight to insult me.

Every day I would cry myself to sleep but I couldn't tell my parents cos I knew they would say that I deserved it, so I suffered alone. It kept on happening till I decided that I had had enough, so I convinced my parents to let me switch schools, and they agreed. And can you believe that the asshole of a principal begged my parents not to change schools for me?

At the same time this was happening my neighbor was trying to force me to have sex with him but I refused. Now I have graduated, my depression and binge eating is slowly fading and I'm almost happy, and my ex-boyfriend still begs me to give him another chance, but no way.

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