Submitted by @Callen2002

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It all started my fifth grade year. I couldn't believe my luck; the guy I liked finally liked me back, and so I began to "date" him. I wasn't a popular girl, or super pretty, but now, NOW I felt special. That weekend we texted, and I sent him a picture of me, in a modest shirt and some cut-off jean shorts.

Little did I know he would post it on his Facebook page.

From that day forward, until the end of my 6th grade year, I was know as "Daisy- Sucks Dick- Duke". I wanted so bad to tell them all to stop.

Even my family photos weren't safe. One guy commented on a photo of me and my little sister: "Fuck you you fat bitch, you're a whore that thinks you're all bad, well fuck no you're a prostitute and a he, go fuck off and die!"

I blocked him, but the terrifying thing was, people could still repost it.

And repost it they did.

Until my eighth grade year. I stood up then. I looked that boy from fifth grade in the face and told him what I thought of him. Where he could go. And the quickest way to get there.

I posted on my Facebook page that day this exact message:

"To all of you who have ever been wrong, mean, or otherwise: I don't care. Ever, or anymore."

Ever since then, people will bring it up, but I will just look at them and say, "Once a bully always a bully. You cyber-bullied me; just look at the news and see the lives lost because of this. Now imagine if that had been me. How would you have felt then?"

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