Submitted by @-dropped

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When I was young, I knew little about the social rankings which later on consumed my life. After going on a life-changing holiday, I returned with much more knowledge.

On my first day back at school I realised that the popular girls were realising my presence. I quickly became addicted to this social ranking, making my way up the change until I reached the top. Once I did, I was mixed in with the pretty blonde girls, and my old friends dispersed as quickly as they had flocked to me because of my sudden popularity.

Two popular girls had a fight, and 11 year old me was desperate to be included. I called one girl a "slut" to the other girl. Word got back to the girl I called a slut, and suddenly I was back at the bottom of the ranking. An entire year of my life, wasted. The chaos and mess that ensued was a combination of being cyber bullied, bullied face to face, having no friends, and attempting suicide. This consumed another year of my life, in a deep dark hole.

I've told my story to help. "Slut"-shaming is disgusting and I'm disappointed that my young mind thought it was okay. Be humble, be supportive, and don't judge people. I've been on both sides and neither feels too good.

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