Submitted by @Thomas_Dannngster

959 64 28

I recently saw a post on Q, written by a boy, in which the boy informed his followers that boys can't help their urges and if a lady is wearing something that turns on a guy then it's her own fault if she gets raped.

I saw another post as well that informed girls that unless they are "actually raped" then they are not allowed to "be uncomfortable around men who just want to hang out" and "it's a huge turn off to boys when you assume that all men are rapists."

So, I have decided to share some experiences of mine. Please note that this may be triggering to some.

The first boy I want to talk about was named Nick. He was 13 and I was 10. It was at summer camp and he spent the whole week trying to convince me to kiss him. I had told him several times that I was not interested and to please stop. His response? "I'll get a kiss by the end of the week." He didn't consider the fact that I was a 10 year old girl. He didn't stop to think that maybe I didn't want this. He just assumed that just because he was ready it meant I was (Spoiler: I wasn't). Unfortunately, I was 10 and nobody ever told me that if a boy acts like this then you should run far, far away. Instead, I was taught that a lady is kind to everyone and that boys got to play by different rules. So I was kind. I was uncomfortable, but I didn't know that I was allowed to say no. I was made to feel guilty because I didn't want to kiss a boy.

On the 4th day of camp, during night recrecation, he brought me towards the woods. It was dark and I was scared and I didn't know why I was. He said to trust him and I didn't, but I followed him anyway. He pointed somewhere and then tried to kiss my neck. I ran. The counselors found me sobbing in a bathroom stall and I was scolded for not being asleep. I didn't leave my friends' side for the rest of camp.

The second boy was Charles. Charles was 16 and I was 14. Charles was grabby. For some reason, I caught his attention and instead of asking me for my number or on a date, he grabbed my thigh. He smacked my ass in front of my friends and laughed when my eyes teared up. He put his hand on my boob and tried to make me feel guilty when I told him not to touch me. Charles did this to other girls. Made them have sex with him. When we told the counselor do you know what she said? "Well, were you wearing anything that might make him feel like this was okay?" "Do you really want to report this? It could get him into serious trouble."

There are more, but I am getting pissed so I will not continue. Nobody has ever asked me how I feel after these things happen. Everyone has been more concerned with how I might ruin his life or how I could have prevented this. Here's how I feel... I feel pissed. I feel pissed because I can't wear shorts out in public without being cat-called by grown ass men. I'm pissed because I am afraid to have any boy besides my best friend sit close to me. I am pissed because my brother could go out in public any time without any worries, but I go out after dark dressed like a nun, carrying a knife and pepper spray and a whistle, but I still don't feel safe.

I'm pissed because little girls are still being told that boys get to play by different rules. I'm pissed because little girls are still being told that they can't be comfortable because it might turn on little boys. I'm pissed because girls are taught how not to get raped but boys aren't taught not to rape.

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