Submitted by Anonymous

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Sorry, English isn't my first language. I had this crazy ex and his crazy girlfriend. Let's call the guy "Marc" and the girl "Ann." Marc was my boyfriend when I was in 2nd year of high school in 2010, and we reunited again during the summer of 2013. Our first relationship lasted for almost two years and our second, for 10 days. I ended our relationship because I didn't want to become like his exes who became psychopaths and tried to kill themselves over him. He changed a lot. He has body piercings and he learned how to smoke and drink. I accepted that part of him but the part that I cannot accept from him is the fact that he lied to me. All the things that he said to me way back in 2010 were all lies.

Saturday was the only day that we able to see each other. During the last Saturday of our relationship, something happened. We were both lying on my bed and suddenly panic flooded his face. He stood up and he asked me to pee. How will I say it.... ok... it was the first time that he didn't wear a condom and he was afraid that he might have come inside me. So I went to my bathroom and did what he said. After that I asked him why he was so nervous, then Marc said that two women got pregnant with him. I was devastated by that and got even more devastated when he told me that he didn't want to father those children and he told me that in case I got pregnant, I should abort it like his other exes did. That's when I understood why he said most of his exes were "crazy."

We broke up two days after that incident. I loved him very much but he didn't make me happy anymore after knowing the pregnancy and abortion thing. I always cried myself to sleep. We ended up bitter to each other.

During his birthday, September 2013, we became friends again and we had been like... ok don't ever text or call me again. I'll block on you on Facebook. He was the first one to break that. So again and again we remained as friends and I'm no longer emotionally attached to him. I just don't understand him. He unfriended me on Facebook in July 2014. I didn't react to him concerning that, and continued chatting with him like we always do. I ask him if we were still friends then he said yes. He added me and I confirmed it. In August, he unfriended me again. This time I didn't even care about that.

During October out of the blue.... he messaged me on Facebook after months of not keeping in touch. He asked me where to buy abortion pills. He said he had to buy some to abort the child in his girlfriend's womb. He's a total jerk! In February 2015, an unknown account from the UK kept on bashing and bashing me on Facebook. This girl told me I was a whore, a slut, and a "boyfriend grabbing witch" and I was like, "ok." That was my only reply on her hundreds of nonsense messages.

In May 2015, Marc's girlfriend Ann chatted me on Facebook. We became brief friends, until I figured out that she's the user of that unknown Facebook account. This is what happened: Ann and I were chatting, then all of a sudden the UK Facebook account sent me some stupid message again, as she always does. I replied to that, cause my patience was reaching its limit. So that night I was chatting with them both. Then all of a sudden, maybe Ann grew tired of using two phones and playing two roles and that's why she mixed it up. The reply from the UK Facebook was sent by Ann's original account. When I checked their info, it's the same.

The root of Ann's problem is insecurity. I got mad at Marc because what happened in our relationship should only be kept between us. His girlfriend got insecure when he told her what happened between us, and I'm not proud of it.

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