Submitted by @2punk2care

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My name is Megan Scutt, so what rhymes nicely with Scutt? Slut. I think this might be a long one so you might wanna prepare yourselves...

The first time I was called 'Megan Slut' was in Year 6 by some kid named Harvey or something (I've changed his name, obviously). It didn't mean anything to me because I didn't care, I was in year 6 and the thought of even being near a boy made my skin crawl.

After moving up into year 7, I experienced bullying and continued to be called Megan Slut. But again, I didn't care... To tell the truth even when I did begin to 'live up to my reputation' (as a few people like to say, I've only slept with 3 guys) I didn't care about any of it. As I said I experienced fairly severe bullying back in the day so I learned to not care what people think.

Anyway, year 7, I had this boyfriend, lets call him... James. I'd known him for a week before we actually started going out, and I think we were the first couple in year 7. I remember that day weirdly vividly. My best friend, Anna, told James I liked him and blah blah blah he said yeah he'll go out with me. I never asked her to do this. For the reason I suffer with anxiety, and I also had a fear of rejection (don't worry, I got over that, too).

We went out for a year (before he broke up with me on my birthday, asshole) and I never even kissed the guy. He told me he didn't want to. Some girl liked him, too, I cant remember who it was, but she made the link with my name and started calling me Megan Slut.

Towards the start of year 8, I found a love of rock music. I don't know where it started, but I was branded an "emo" and then came the bullies. I don't know what it was about me and my friends they hated so much. We weren't that different, apart from I spent £2.20 on Kerrang! on a Wednesday morning to read before assembly.

Thus proceeded my "2 years of hell" as I like to call them. My friends and I had people thrown at us (literally not even kidding, remember James? He and his friends picked a kid up and actually threw him at us), I once had rocks thrown at me in my hometown because I had a Black Veil Brides shirt on... annnnnnd they also made the link of my name and started calling me Megan Slut.

By this time I laughed it off because I didn't really give a shit about what they called me. It was something completely unoriginal, and I'd also like to point out I'D NEVER EVEN KISSED A BOY AT THIS POINT!! I don't know why I was branded a slut, I'm not sure whether it was my name or they thought I was genuinely a "slut." I don't talk to those people who did me wrong and thought light of everything, I utterly despise those people to this day who still seem to think I'm beneath them...

I remember one specific time, at the back end of year 10 (still never kissed a boy) I believe. I was walking home with Anna, and she lives near the "rough estates" of our area. For some reason the families of "hard kids" from our school hated me... This one girl in particular was called Erica, and she hated me the most. Anna had gone into her house and I didn't realise Erica and 2 of her friends were walking behind us. I kept on walking, and I heard her say, "She's such a slut."

I carried on because I didn't want any trouble. She kept saying things about me, I can't quite remember what, and then she shouted at me, "You're such a wannabe slut."

That's when I responded with, "Well that's a fucking original one, congrats." And then she spat on me... twice. I restrained myself from turning around and beating the shit out of her, and continued walking. One of Erica's friends said, "Eugh she just gozzed on you, take your blazer off, you fucking scrubber." That's when they screamed, "Megan Slut!" at me until I needed to turn off the road I was on. I then took my blazer off and proceeded to wash it 50 times before I put it back on again.

I had a few more encounters with Erica and someone called Hayley, who both followed me half way home shouting "slut" and throwing things at me... I once remember turning round and screaming "Fuck off you psychotic cunts," and after threatening to smash the living daylights out of me, I never had an issue with them again.

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