Submitted by @jesusfreak___

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When I went to high school, I was ambushed by one of the guys and he dragged me into a toilet. I immediately went to the principal - the worst thing I could do. Many girls turned against me. I didn't care because they liked all the negative attention boys gave them.

l didn't feel safe at school, as older boys were after me and I didn't wanted to lose my virginity at the age of thirteen. Boys of seventeen, eighteen, even guys older than that were after me and I only could run and pray!

I literally had to run for my life, everyday I went home after school and every time I went out. They also spoke a lot of bullshit, like:

"You're going to church, so you can **** the boys of the church."

"You're an A+ student, because you're a filthy slut."

"You have a band-aid on your knee because you're trying to hide your bleeding sluttiness." No, fool, I fell because I was running AWAY from you. And what the hell is "bleeding sluttiness"??

When I told them that they were bullshitting themselves and that they have to stop sticking their heads in each other's asses so that their words would make any sense, the girls had a reason to beat me up and the guys had a reason to assault me.

So after a while I stopped fighting and I stopped standing up for myself. Ignoring them had no use, because they weren't bored. It even triggered them to do worse things to me. Every night I tried to avoid my parents and my siblings and pretend that everything was alright. I had a few friends... some guys that stood up for me in secret. Pointless, huh?

I explained to one of the teachers and said they were just joking, Was she for real? When a boy drags a girl to a room, turns off the light and enjoys to see her screaming and fighting, there has to be something really wrong with that guy!

One time I heard her mumbling to one of the other teachers that she expects me to get pregnant soon because I was one of the nasty girls, and that was the day I started skipping school, because I didn't feel safe at school. There were monsters everywhere.

I decided that It was enough one day, I was sick of their shit and I wanted this to be over, This wasn't the life I deserved and this wasn't the way a girl my age should feel. I was on the verge of suicide and I decided this was enough, Hannah... "You're not a slut, you're Hannah."

When one girl wanted to shame me, she did it in large crowds, so one day she was planning to do that again and I walked to her with my boyfriend by my side. Other people were calling me names.

I said, "Because you're fat and pathetic, you had to torment me!" I spat at her, and she was ready to beat me again, but my boyfriend stepped in.

"I never did anything wrong, but still you chose me, Jealous Fool! Do you know that jealousy makes you really ugly?? I'm not a SLUT, I've never had sex for money, cookies, or Converse shoes! I never had sex with guys, girls, or animals! I never had sex with my cousins and surely not for a cinema ticket! All those stupid little rumours you spread weren't true, and you all believed this witch without asking me if they were true... You all made my life a living hell and still I don't hate you."

Yeah, I don't hate them. They only ruined my life but that made me the strong girl I am now.

I went home and I didn't want to go to school, because I knew they would ambush me. So I stayed home a few days. I never went to school anyway at that point.

Tuesday: Nothing bad on Facebook, no girls threatening me or guys sending me pictures of their junk with a "I'm going to rape you, slut" message.

Wednesday: Nothing.

Thursday: Nothing.

I seriously had to go to school on Friday because I had a test. It was safe! No large crowds for a whole day, no guys dragging me, they weren't even smacking my ass... I went home in safety and tears of happiness. I spontaneously hugged my mother and said God had done it for me.

The bullying stopped, not right away though. But it's a year later now and I feel so good. Nobody will take my happiness again and I will never allow suicidal thoughts to come inside me.

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