Submitted by @Superrgirlxoxo

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What do they do? Bully you.

What do they do that for? Awesome fun. (Don't miss the sarcasm.)

What do you do to yourself? Cut yourself, hate yourself! Wow, just wow.

Just like our society, this bullying is also an foolish concept. People toy with you to satisfy their ego. The concept of bullying is so simple: to make their own candle shine brighter, people blow out yours. When I was in 8th grade, all this crap happened. People said I had a boyfriend and that I was such a bitch. I still can't figure out what made them say that. My best friend, who was close with me since 4th grade, left me due to those rumours. Our friendship was thrown to trash.

In school everyone treated me as if I were rotten meat. That hurt me. At home it was no different. I was a girl, so I had to ask permission to even breathe. I was so tender that I believed that is how a girl is supposed to live. I took leave from school often, my grades went down steeply, in short I was a horrible mess. I started hating everything I have: my face , my body, my behaviour, my voice, all in all. I considered myself to be a malfunction.

In 9th grade is when I started using Facebook. It taught me girls are no less and to be myself. The quotes there were a tonic to me. I spent hours on the site reading and saving quotes. Rumours took another round, saying I used Facebook to attract boys, to seek attention. Not knowing anything I cried and cried till my pillow was wet with my tears and my eyes could shed no more.

But now coming to think of it, it's all funny and foolish. I learnt that being softhearted only works out in fiction and not in real life. If people call us names and brand us, let them, its not like we can duct tape all their mouths (I would if I could).

Also, once there was checking in my school and they took "50 Shades of Grey" out of my bag. Everyone looked at me like I murdered 10 people. Argh! What drama they did, acting like talking to me was a sin! My reading it is nothing big, but the drama they did was. I didn't even care about it. As the days passed they forgot the matter.

I read the stories here and some of you cut yourself? Oh my god, Girls, we need to be strong. Just because some garbage tin is talking some stupidity about you doesn't mean you can go to that extreme. I felt sad. You should take care of yourself. Don't ever give in, never.

We happen to undergo all this bullying because we try to socialize. We try to socialize because of the illusion that people can be happy only with people - I say that is all utter rubbish. It's okay if you don't have friends, it's okay if you don't have a perfect body, it's okay if you have flaws. Don't let the thought that you are alone get to you. Distract yourself, travel in buses gazing around, listen to music, read books, pack your schedule tight.

Set a goal. Once you know your destination, who could stop you? You don't have one? Then search for it. Life is meant to be lived happily, so try to live happily. If you feel like you need people and there is no one around you, visit an orphanage, it is a museum of the best people. Rich or not, they'll be kind, or at least to me they were. Don't let the thought that you're a girl prevent you from what you love doing. Don't bother to hear the rumors about you. Believe in yourself. Be strong. Wear whatever you like. Don't bother to hear people who say that exposing your cleavage a bit is what led the pilot to crash the flight.

Now I've been rumoured about having two boyfriends and that I've been cheating on them. When I heard it, guess my reaction? I laughed. Actually, I don't have a boyfriend and have never had one! I strongly suggest the person who created the rumour to write a story on Wattpad - really, your imagination is awesome.

Make mistakes, it is not as bad as society portrays it to be. Only by making mistakes you learn. It's okay if you mess up, for it is your life. Don't be chained by the "buts." If you fall, okay, it means you are trying to fly and soon you will. So all the best for your new start. Work hard.

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