Submitted by Anonymous

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It all started in 6th grade. I was the loser. I was in my weird phase. My hair looked awful, I wore glasses, and I had a weird sense of style. I had only moved to the new school a year ago and I lost my best friend at the new school to Muscular Dystrophy.

"Slut! Bitch! Shorty! Ugly! Fat! Whore!" I didn't even have a real group of friends. I never felt safe. I would come to my parents to see if I could stay home instead but they always denied the idea of missing school. My school was no help either. My teachers weren't watching or they would see and laugh.

In 7th grade, my self esteem was already pretty beat but then my birth mom who is a sociopath/psychopath and has Boderline Personality Disorder surrendered her rights as my mother. I was happy, but I couldn't believe that this could happen.

I was in some rough patches. I met a Columbian boy who couldn't speak English and had a hearing aid. He treated me like shit, but then I got back together with him. He was verbally abusive and I was going to therapy.

It only gets worse. At a school dance, my best friend and I kissed in the bathroom. Only, it felt good. I don't know why, but I liked it. The whole school managed to find out but now, I'm the 8th grader who's a "lesbian."

Fast forward to this year. I'm currently single after getting over a relationship with a white boy who was a little sexual. Grabbing my breasts, holding my butt, kissing. He was very clingy and I hated it but I was too nice to say anything. I told a few people that I was planning to break up with him but he had been absent for a few days. It felt nice knowing someone cared and loved me, as I would find weird ways to find affection. I would even meet people on Omegle and "date them." I would only tell my biological mom who didn't even care.

By the time he came back, I assumed that he had none, and I then told him. He was pissed at first, but then grew to be okay with it. We're now "buddies," but he is still clingy but in a weird way. Occasional hugs I don't consent to, pulls my hair lightly which I hate, and he doesn't understand boundaries whatsoever.

I've moved on and I'm better. My stepmom adopted me as her own daughter and my little sister. I live with my dad and stepmom. My stepmom is pregnant and she gave birth to a girl in 2012 on Christmas. We terminated my birth mom's rights and therapy has healed me. This has inspired me to become a social worker when I'm an adult and go to UConn School of social work!

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