Submitted by Anonymous

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I'm angry, like, really angry right now, so that's probably the main reason I'm doing this. I want to share it, so more people know about this. So my story isn't exactly about how I was bullied but about how a whole group of girls in my school was "slut" shamed by the society.

You see, my school is very well-known in my country. We, the students, sneeze twice and we have the media asking why, basically. The thing is that a few days ago we claimed the right to go in shorts to school. Okay, you could say that going like that isn't the best thing to do if you're going to school, but still, what happened after was horrible.

What we did so our request would be heard was going in shorts to classes just for one day. Everything went pretty normal. We had planned this for over a month and school authorities said they weren't going to penalize this in any way, and they didn't. The day after, I read the newspapers. Some of them had mentioned it, no big deal. It was almost noon when my brother sent me a link of a teen magazine talking about it. I kinda felt proud. I had gone in shorts the day before and the fact that people were listening to us... well, it felt like an achievement.

Until I started to read the comment section.

Some of them were insulting us, but they weren't that bad. It only made feel a little bit angry. They didn't understand our petition. I showed it to my friends, so they could look how far we had come. We laughed and joked about it, and all of us acted like we hadn't read the comments section. It didn't stop there. Eventually I received a lot of links of more websites where they had spread the news. I knew I probably wouldn't like it, but I read the comment sections anyway.

It was horrible. They were calling us sluts, whores, idiots. Some of them even said that if we wanted to dress like that we were basically asking to be raped. If I translate for you one some of the comments, they said this:

"Those are the same girls who complain when someone touches them in the street."

"What's next? Going in thongs?"

"They go to school dressed like whores showing their butts but when a guy touches her they go screaming it's sexual harassment"

"One of the girls in the photo [yeah, somehow they got a photo] is in shorts and throwing a kiss! Ha ha! If you do that you are provoking! Don't complain then!"

"I can understand that some women do this. They like to provoke, to show their bodies, they can't help but doing it."

What the fuck people?! We were asking to go in shorts because in summer it's hot and it's also more comfortable! I don't get it! Why did you have to be so mean? You made me cry! For a moment you made me feel like I was worthless and stupid just because I fought for what I thought was right! Yeah, there were people defending us, there were people saying they didn't agree in a nice way, you didn't have to be a douche about it. It was completely unnecessary to say that! To call us names or tell us how stupid and dumb we were, that we needed to open textbooks and not our legs. You even degraded boys, treating them like they were animals who didn't have any control. Yeah, maybe some of them don't, but you are judging without knowing.

But you know what? Fuck them, 'cause the thing didn't finished there. We will fight, we are not sexual objects, we can dress however the fuck we want and not be ashamed of it! And what if a girl does want to look pretty for a boy? What if we feel way more comfortable in shorts? Even if we don't, I'm not saying that every girl should dress like this, because you can do it or not. It's your problem, not society's. Personally, I don't care about how you dress, but if you are an ass about how I or other people dress, well, I care.

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