Submitted by @The_Philosopher15

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It all started with first grade. I was new to a bunch of students in my school in New Jersey. Boys would push me away and girls used to come up with different rumors.

From a past grade, there was a girl who I thought was my friend but instead, she was pretending to like me. I was most likely the weeping willow tree in my class, because I was a scaredy cat and a wuss.

My first grade teacher was hard on me and instead of teaching, she would punish me.

I still remember the day when a few students tied me up to a gate and left me there because they were mad at me for nothing.

There was even a boy in school who I had a little crush on in the first grade named Richard. But since I was 'too ugly' for him, he would always swat me away and told me to stay away from him.

I used to spend time with a boy named, "James" since kindergarten, who later spread rumors about me wanting to sleep with him. They used to call me a big cheater in second grade and that I had the cooties in the third grade. I would fight back at one time... but my third grade teacher used to punish me for it.

During the fourth grade, I changed my attitude to being someone I was not. I started to even walk differently to think I was cool. Instead, I had more backstabbers and more insults calling me, "stinky," "ugly", "hooker," "faux", or "crazy."

I cried when a former friend, "Michela," told rumors about me that happened at a birthday party I invited her to. She said that I was attracted to her and that a boy who was there was making out with me.

As I got to middle school, I was very quiet. I had no desire to talk to anyone and I thought everybody was the same.

One day, I had the courage to speak to a lot of people and became acquaintances with them until every single one of them pretended that I didn't even exist. Rumors were still formed by other students who had attended school with me in middle school, saying that I was homeless, I loved to fight people and I wanted to sleep with a few boys. I really didn't have any boys in my mind, though. I wanted to just succeed my first year of middle school.

I was dealing with a teacher who apparently was interested in mature, young girls. He even followed me from class to class, roaming the hallways. I contacted the guidance counselor and he has stayed away from me since.

In the seventh grade, it started to get better and when I got to eighth grade, there was a girl named "Kori" who I grew close to doing projects. It was weird that she was going through slut shaming and rumors. I tried to help.

In the ninth grade, before moving to another location, the rumors for Kori got worse and I helped her through them. Soon, they died down. The thing that I have learned from that experience was never think that you're alone, and try to have more self-confidence. Never ever listen to anything negative they have to say about you and never be afraid to be yourself.

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