Submitted by @SteadySkilletArrows

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It all started when I was young, seven or eight maybe. I went to this camp where the girls made fun of me not just for everything that I did, but for my body. I became mildly anorexic at that young age because of kids calling me "fat" and "pig" every day.

The next year I came back, eating well again, on a club soccer team and probably dropped a few pounds. They still called me fat, but this year they tried to bully better than just their words. They tried to beat me at everything. Every activity they finished first, they were first to every activity in the first place and made sure just about everything was taken. I mean this was camp, the camp counselors didn't notice anything. One day, I doubted whether one of the girls knew something (I forget what) and she attacked me. One of my biggest regrets is not fighting back. But she knew the owner's daughter so they'd probably convince him that I'd started it.

After I left that camp, it was school that was the problem. My only friends left me for the new girl in school, who I thought was annoying. She just walked around all sunny, and it was right before middle school and I basically had no friends.

When 6th grade finally came, my friends tried to include me, but I figured I had to part with them. At least we're still on good terms. I met someone who had the exact same schedule as me, and she was my best friend for all of middle school. We had our whole friend group, and it was so nice to feel accepted. We went into high school together, and it was a pretty good year.

Then the summer came. I discovered that they were doing things behind my back and weren't including me. I asked if anything was wrong, and they denied it. I told them it was on Facebook, and they said there was not enough room in the car, but I wasn't a dumbass and I knew how many seats were in the car that I had been carpooling in since I was in 7th grade. They started having other gatherings, too. I started getting mad at them because I usually am the one to get us together or plan things, and now they aren't inviting me.

Once school started, they wouldn't leave me alone. I would have lunch in the journalism room and they would follow me in there. I was doing work in there, and they were distracting me. Then, once they were kicked out, they sat right outside. They even went to a meeting of a club I wanted to join. They WANTED to get under my skin. They wrote me a note that said, "Bitch Burn!" The school did nothing. My therapist even called my counselor asking if they could get in any trouble for writing the note. They said that they couldn't prove it was them. I finally went to independent study because they wouldn't stop bothering me.

I moved not too long ago because of a parent's job. It was the most relieving thing ever. It's taking time to adjust, but I don't have to worry about running into people who bullied me everywhere I go.

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