Submitted by @parkeetc256

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This year I entered 7th grade at a new school, another private school. My parents didn't feel like it was academically challenging me enough, so they moved my younger siblings and I to a new school. I was interested in volleyball, and so I joined the team and the practices started in the summer.

Right away I noticed that they were treating me differently. The coach hated me, and would do all she could to keep me out of games, and was infuriated when I missed one practice. I became friends with three girls, Maddie, Chloe, and April. Chloe and Maddie supported me, but April was on the "best team."

Here, let me explain a little. The coach had said we should all work together and be a team, but she purposely divided us into the girls who are 'the best' and play every game, and the girls who are considered to be 'crap' and are only used to toss balls to the other girls at practices. Basically, we helped them train, and were shunned by everyone.

August came and I went to my new school, dressed in the long skirt uniform. There were three girls in my class, myself included, and as one was extremely quiet. I hung around April. But I quickly caught on that she DID NOT want me there. So I tried to make friends with the other, quiet girl. She was also friends with a boy named Junior, so I hung around with him, too.

Then the bullying began to kick in. The volleyball season was still going, and as I packed up to leave for a game, I asked April (keep in mind I was in the classroom) if I should change 'here' (I meant the locker room in the school building) or in the gym. She laughed, and said to the boys, "She wants to change HERE!"

The boys (and most of the school) then began to treat me as a slut. I managed to maintain my friends, though, until a lunch time incident. We were required to sit at the same table, and that particular day, Junior had brought some puzzle ball that we were fiddling around with. Darius, a boy in my class, said, "Do you like to play with Junior's balls, Sydney?" I ran out of the building and leaned against the doors, the doors locking me out.

Since then I have lost all but one of my friends, and that girl and boy are refusing to talk to me. I have been classified as the school slut, even though I didn't do anything. This is still going on today, and I am still in the same school.

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