Submitted by Anonymous

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Okay, so my story starts like others, with name calling and being laughed at by the 'populars'. They always thought they were better than everyone else, cooler than everyone else. It was okay at the start. When they pointed at me then laughed, or were whispering about me.

But then my best friend joined in. This is when things got worse.

Instead of being discreet and whispering, they walked up to me and told me not to dress like a 'slut'. They even commented on my underwear in the changing rooms, so I started getting changed in the toilet cubicle, and more people talked about me being a slut.

I felt self-conscious in the hallways and even when I was walking to and from school. I used to check my skirt and ask my friends if they thought it was too high, and at one point I wore my skirt down to the middle of my shins.

But thankfully the girls who bullied me stopped and they now ignore me. I ignore them as well.

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