Submitted by @ilee-Emili

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Bullying happens a lot. Not just a bit, but a lot. And it needs to stop.

This is my story:

I can't say that I have never been one of the 'cool kids' because I have, but I actually wish I hadn't ever been popular. Being popular just makes you think that you are the boss of everyone. But really, you are just the boss of yourself. You don't know that though. You hurt others for more popularity - which is just stupid. This year and last year have been my worst years of being a victim of bullying. Last year (2013) I was physically, verbally and cyber bullied. This year (2014) I have been cyber and verbally bullied.

I was sitting in math class, just like any odd Monday morning. The new girl Hannah and her best friend Amelia came to sit next to me and my friends - Hilary and Mykal. They usually sat near us, but this time it just seamed different... like something was going to happen. The class flew by and he next thing we knew, there were only five minutes of class left.

"You guys wanna start a war?" Hannah asked.

After class Hannah and Amelia repeatedly insulted me, Mykal, and my best friend. They called me 'Fat' 'Ugly' 'A Bitch' and a lot more. They called Mykal 'Ugly' 'Annoying' 'A Red-Head' and a lot more. They called my best friend 'Stupid' 'A Whore' 'A Slut' 'A Bitch'. And they said to me, 'I bet she's an ugly bitch just like you'.

That stung. I will never forget the sting that gave me. It hurt. A lot. And I didn't know what to do. So I did what most teen girls would do... I called her a bitch. BIG mistake!

Hannah pulled her head back around the corner and they all disapeared. I stood up, zipping up my bag as tears started to stream down my face. I HATE crying in front of others, so I started to run, I ran into the nearest bathrooms (The C Block bathrooms) and I locked myself in a stall and dropped to the ground, crying even more. 

'I'm just a worthless bitch', I thought to myself.

My friends ran into the bathroom after me but I refused to unlock the stall.

A teacher tried to force me to get out of the stall, but I refused. The dean (a woman, by the way) came into the bathroom and pretty much dragged me out of the bathroom and forced me to go to the school councilor. I didn't tell the councilor much, but she let me take the rest of my classes off, seeing as Hannah was in all of them and she thought that it wouldn't be such a great idea.

That night I went on Facebook, as I usually do and I had a message from Amelia.

At school they started to threaten me, and say that they had people who were going to beat me up, and each day I started going home in tears. They hurt me. A lot.

It was also even harder when I had a lot of other things happening at the same time too: my step dad and my mum had just broken up, I had two friends recently diagnosed with cancer, and I had issues with a stalker. Let's just say 'It was a tough ride'.

I ended up moving and changing schools. I will never forget the scarring moments that were caused by bullies. It all starts from the stupidest of things. Be careful. This is a very personal story and took me a lot of courage to give it out to the public. Also, all of this actually happened to me this year.

Thank you for listening to my story.

Please be careful with what you do.

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