Submitted by @Zombie_Cat13

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It started in fifth grade. I had a "friend" named Angel. I never really had friends, because I'm weird (I love to say I'm a "Limited Edition"). I was a little shocked when Angel came along.

A day came where I started to wear my first bra. Yay! I went off and found Angel. She popped my bra strap and said, "Why are you wearing this, it's not like you need it. Stop trying to look grown up." I ignored her, because it's my body. My body doesn't deserve to be talked about.

Soon she started to say I suck at anything I love to do. I thought she was telling the truth. So I immediately stopped everything. Then we started 6th grade, and she started talking about how I needed to shave, because I'm a "werewolf" and other crap.

I still don't care, but in the middle of the year, it got worse. I got my very first boyfriend! I was crazy to date at that age, because I wasn't ready for anything. The boy cheated on me, but luckily we had only high-fived.

Angel started calling me slut, whore, and pushed me once or twice. Then on my birthday, she told me to slit my wrist, because no boy would want a stupid slut like me. I went home and cried that night, but each time I cried, I got stronger.

It was seventh grade now, and she was two days from moving. She told me, "Slit you wrist, hang yourself, save the boys from seeing your stupid whore a** face. Isn't it clear nobody likes you? I never liked you, you were so pitiful. I needed to help you out. Realize how I am the ANGEL!" I liked the pun, but with three years of crying and getting stronger, I couldn't hold back any more.

I screamed at her and wrote a poem, which I'm now famous for at my school: "They call you a ho. That's because you dropped it too low. Everyone knows. Bye, it's time for you to go."

I felt so bad after that, but before she left the school, she spilled all my secrets. That day, I did look at the knives for a while, but I told myself: I am strong, I am smart, I am me. And I am perfectly crazy, perfectly weird, perfectly ME.

So I didn't cave in that day. I stayed strong. I may not stand up for myself yet. But I can ignore them. Everyone is powerful enough to forget all "slut" shamers, bullies, and fake friends. With any flaw or if someone is insecure, they are perfect just the way they are. Society can be messed up at times, but they aren't in charge of how you live your life.

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