Submitted by Anonymous

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Being in the 8th Grade, I didn't think it was going to be such a burden. All that I kept thinking throughout the whole year was, "C'mon, you're almost done." This year, almost every girl in my class was picked on because of their body type. And me? For not being developed. I mean, do you expect me to have big breasts and a huge butt at 13? I'm not trying to disrespect any of those who are developed, because every body type is perfect the way it is. But, unfortunately, most of the people in my class didn't see that.

See, 8th grade was really important to me. I wanted to leave on a good note, which I did; but, horrible things happened in between.

In one of my classes, my teacher would sometimes give us small breaks to communicate with each other, after hours of writing notes.

So, I would go over to my friends, which included boys and girls.

We have the most random chats, laugh at jokes, and talk about the latest gossip. (I didn't see what was the purpose of gossip because we had a small class, but I guess it was secrets?)

So, at moments when I bent down to pick something (it was Catholic school, so I had a uniform, which was a skirt) the boys would say, "Damn! That thing is flat!"

And, at times, they would grab my butt or touch my chest. When I would push them away, they would say, "I can touch you since you don't have anything."

Honestly, that hurt so much that my eyes started to burn. Just because I didn't have what the other girls had, doesn't mean you're entitled to my body. Around that time, I was going through depression; where I felt like I didn't have much worth or anything like that. One night, I attempted to cut my thighs with scissors. I was really afraid at the moment to hurt myself, because I always thought I wouldn't do that. But, I pushed the scissors deeper into my thigh, and finally was able to get a mark. After that, I immediately regretted it. I knew that I wouldn't have wanted myself to do that.

A little later that month or so, I started to talk to a kid in my class. We haven't talked before, but, when we did, I began to trust him.

But, soon, that began to fade. He turned into a complete asshole and shut out not only me, but others as well. Eventually, we stopped talking and just stayed on a good note. (Weird, right? Things changed faster than I thought.)

Anyways, days passed, and I was able to make it into the high school of my choice! I chose an all-girls school, and so did my best friend! (It was the same school.) A reason why I chose that school is because of the things there. I felt like girls who might be going through the same thing as me, or at least think the same things, would be there. Plus, one of the main purposes of that school is to bring up young ladies' confidence. And that excited me.

The boys in my class began to pick on me: "Just because you're going to an all girls school, it means you're a lesbian." (Trust me, being a lesbian is not a bad thing, at all! So, why did people make it sound like it was?)

Around that time, I started to really like this kid in my class. I never really talked to him, but I found him so handsome and charming, and his smile was to die for. I kept it to myself for a while, before I told my best friend. She was really surprised, but didn't judge me. (She is literally the best.) Like, if he looked in my direction or talked to me for a moment, my heart would start racing like crazy. My friends (the ones I told) claimed for a while that what I was feeling was love. (But, I don't even know.)

Eventually, I told the others who didn't know. And that was a huge mistake. My best guy friend (who I trust completely) told me that they told my crush. I was so upset that I could barely look them in the eye the next day, without wanting to flinch in disgust. And they wonder why I couldn't trust them? Well, now they see. I didn't bring up the topic anymore, just to see if they would tell me themselves. But they didn't. Eventually, I got over it and was so excited for the year to be over.

Days went by, people were forgiven, and then came my graduation. It was a great day, but also emotional, considering that most of us were going to different schools.

8th Grade was both a good and bad year. I finished therapy, made it into the school of my dreams, and began publishing books on Wattpad, which have amazing readers.

Seeing this story made me realize that, even when things get bad, you have to be patient and see what the future holds. So, I thank you, Emily. :) Thank you for helping me stay positive.

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