Submitted by @celloRoz, Author of "Welcome to My Mind..."

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My parents homeschooled me all the way through. The summer before my senior year in high school, I went to a 7-week classical music camp. This was the longest I'd ever been away from home, and my main focus was to survive and to get better at the cello. By the second week I found myself with a slightly younger boyfriend, Eric.

Eric started out being very sweet. We made the unofficial camp list of cute couples. Everything seemed to be going fine until I overheard one of his friends asking if he was going to ask me something. When I pressed Eric for details, he admitted that he'd been going to ask me for a blowjob.

Even though I was 17, the only experience I had was a very basic knowledge of kissing. I told Eric this and said that I didn't want to do a blowjob yet. He seemed fine with my answer at the time.

For the next several weeks, his friends would tease me and ask when I was going to give him a blowjob. Partly because of this, when he asked me to let him finger me, I said it was okay.

The first two times he touched me were fine, but the third time, he didn't even ask before slipping his hand into my pants. That time, we were nearly caught. I resolved not to let him touch me again.

His friends were still teasing me daily. It was about this time that he started hanging out a lot more with a female friend of ours, Anna. At first, I was fine with this; but as the days went by, I found them sitting together and talking a lot more than I liked. After about a week, I confronted Eric about this. His excuse was that he was her only friend.

This was such complete bullsh*t that I dumped him on the spot. His friends called me a hoe, which was the first time I'd ever heard the word. No one would tell me what it meant; I had to resort to the Internet.

The day after I dumped him, Eric made out with Anna. Apart from the other 7 girls in my cabin and a few other people, no one took my part. Anna laughed at me whenever we walked past each other.

I found myself questioning our entire relationship. Had he asked me out just because he was horny and tired of only his right hand for company? According to camp gossip, that was the truth, and I'd been stupid to fall for his lies - never mind that I was homeschooled and had minimal dating experience.

One of the girls in my cabin told me that the only reason Eric hadn't been pressuring me to go all the way was his lack of access to condoms. I can't say I was shocked, after everything else that had happened, but any good feeling I still had toward him evaporated. Yes, I was stupid and naive (and still am, probably); but only jerks take advantage of that.

I don't hate Eric. I'm ambivalent toward him and our relationship. But one thing I know is that it wasn't all my fault.

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