Submitted by @FireworkStories

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When I was around fourteen I met a girl called Tori. Tori was a girl who wasn't liked by many, but always got what she wanted. One day Tori got a really expensive pair of shoes which everyone was getting. When she did, I started bullying her.

I said she was a copy and couldn't be unique, I said she would never fit in and that she should stop trying. I made it seem as if I thought she was trying to copy everyone, when deep down I knew that I was simply jealous.

Nonetheless, I continued, I started calling her a slut because she started wearing more expensive and revealing clothes, once again, deep down I was just jealous. I started terrible rumours about her, saying she went to third base with numerous guys, when she hadn't even held hands with a boy before. Things got worse and she started wearing duller clothes and got rid of the shoes and I was actually amused. Amused that my words had affected her actions, badly.

A few weeks later a group came to my school and told us about bullying and why we shouldn't ever do it. After that, everyone turned against me, and I was the one being bullied, yet Tori stood up for me, even though I had made her life miserable.

I don't remember the details, but Tori and I eventually apologised, and worked together to stop bullying and slut shaming, we even had a small club at school, where we created 5 minute presentations every month to show the school. The group really changed me. I still can't believe what I did and I honestly hated myself for it.

I'm 17 now and Tori and I are still very good friends, and run our own anti-bullying and UnSlut groups at our high schools. Luckily Tori never self harmed despite my very rude actions towards her, but other girls might have, and I wrote this entry to tell people that slut shaming is WRONG. I was an idiot, I was stupid and dumb, but I have learnt my lesson and know that slut shaming is NEVER the right way to go about things.

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