Submitted by @Trewest, Author of "House of Cards" Series

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A friend of mine had been flirting with me for quite some time, and I always flirted back for fun. When we did decide to try and see if there was a real attraction there, things became less fun.

Although we had good chemistry, during our sexual play it was fairly evident that I wasn't as quickly aroused as he was. And despite his 'experience' I really didn't get much out of the encounter, because although he came, I never got close.

His excuse was that 'I was just one of those women that can't get off, so why should he waste his time trying?' After that, any sexual encounter we had was always for the sole purpose of his pleasure and I felt like it was my obligation to make sure he enjoyed himself because I was the 'broken' one who couldn't have fun.

Nowadays, I know that's not the case, but it did a number on my sexual confidence for a while there to feel like I wasn't worth trying to arouse or get off because it would take too long and no partner would want to be that patient.

Tricia Fleming has been on Wattpad since March of 2011. In that time she has started a romance series and a science fiction humour series. There isn't a topic she won't try to tackle for writing, and she wants to never be entirely predictable, although she will purposefully go the expected route on occassion, if it's the best fit for the characters and the story.

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