Submitted by @LOUDer_R5

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For the past 6 years, which is about half my life, I've been sexually harassed and bullied in every way. Recently I started getting cyber bullied as well. Due to all of this I matured really fast physically and mentally. I understand what it is to appreciate my life more than most teens. I've been called many, many, many disgusting names at school, at home, and online.

I know my life isn't as bad as other people but my life hasn't been so great, either. I have two friends and that's about it. All my life I've had a huge family, most whom I've never met and only one aunt and one uncle of mine still keep in contact all throughout the year. My grandparents from my father's side absolutely hate my family and my mom's father died when she was 14 and her mom abandoned her.

When I entered kindergarten I made two friends and one was a boy. He would touch me and call it a game, he would let all the boys touch me as well. I was only five and I knew that it wasn't right. I tried telling my teachers but they just laughed and didn't believe me. When I entered first grade it went on. My other "friend" started calling me names because all the boys liked touching me. Soon enough the whole school called me, a 6 year old, a "slut" for letting those boys manipulate me.

Second grade came around and the same group of boys cornered me behind the bathroom and took off my tutu and leggings I had worn. A group of older boys came, too. They touched me and, well, you can see where this is going so I don't want to explain. I cried and screamed but there was so much noise during lunch no one heard me.

In third grade a group of girls pushed me into the bathroom and sliced my wrists. They said if I didn't continue on my thighs, they would tell the whole school that I had sex with the fifth grade boys. After that, cutting became an addiction.

I was really smart and I still am, so I went to a different school, a magnet school, for fourth grade. I was so happy. I thought it was the end. But I had matured physically very fast, so all the boys thought it was cool to touch me. Everyone would laugh at me and call me names.

Then people started telling me I was fat because I was super tall for a 9-10 year old and I weighed like 90 pounds. I didn't eat, but when I did I would throw it all up. My family had no idea any of this was going on and I decided not to tell them.

I gained quite a few friends in fifth grade and they were absolutely beautiful, so the bullying became less and less. That's when I started getting cyber bullied. I tried helping people because I knew what it was like to feel like absolute shit, but I ended up getting hate for sharing my opinion.

It started getting better I guess. Then I entered middle school, and my school is small so I thought no one would pay attention to me. But everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, knows each other from elementary and since I'm so above in education everyone absolutely hates me.

I've stopped getting sexually harassed but lots of men have been trying to follow me online and asking for nudes, but I keep everything on private and block everyone I don't know in fear. My life isn't great as you can see, but I appreciate every moment I get. I still get bullied and cyber bullied to this day. But as a matter of fact, I wouldn't change my life if I could.

I swear to god that if I could change this world I would do it. I hate seeing all these accounts of suicide and depression, because I know what it's like to feel worthless and I do not want anyone to ever feel low enough to want to kill themselves. I've helped 128 people so far and I want to help the whole world.

I shared my story, and not for pity. I want to help anyone I can. Please, in the next 24 hours 1489 teens will commit suicide and I do not want any of you to be a part of that. Thank you for letting me share my story. I'm Deleny, by the way, and I wouldn't mind talking to any of you.

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