Submitted by LvkeHxmmings_

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I'm 12 years old and suicidal. I've dated quite a few boys, but nothing serious. When I was 10, I got another boyfriend out of many. Let's just call him Johnny. He was your typical blonde hair, blue eyed boy that all the girls chased after. One day, all my friends rushed over to me and told me he was going to ask me out. And he did later on in the day.

We were going out for a week, when he suddenly pushed me into the toilets and said, "If you tell anyone about this, you're gonna get it." He tried to put his hand down my pants, but a few boys walked in. I recognized one of them as Ashton, my best friend at the time. The three boys just stood there doing nothing, until Ashton stepped in and punched him.

I remember running out and just sitting on the floor, crying. A couple of days later, word quickly spread and I had people coming to ask me, "Is it true you told Johnny to finger you?"

My friends were no longer my friends. I had walked into class one day, and written all over the board was, "Bethany is a fucking slut" . The girls rubbed it off before the teacher came, making sure she didn't see it, but I did.

A few weeks later, I couldn't take the bullying. I started self harming every day. My teachers found out, and I was admitted to counseling at the hospital. Things eventually got better. This was 2 years ago. I still go to counseling, and I have been in a relationship with a wonderful boy since the end of 2012.

Your story helped me to keep a diary of my own and overcome the term slut. Thank you so so much.

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