Submitted by @EasilyComplicated

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When I was little, I was a shy kid. I still am. I met my first friend in first grade. Her name was Allie. Allie was outgoing and smart, while I was quiet and creative. We were great friends, and we never really fought. A year later, we met Peyton. Peyton became the third member of our group, and we became an inseparable trio. Peyton was creative and spontaneous. For a few years, it was just the three of us.

At that age, I was obsessed with the "popular" kids. These were the people with tons of friends, great looks, and many were in relationships. Allie wasn't exactly one of the most popular people in school. In fact, we were considered the nerds. It was a proper label, I guess. We liked to read, we got good grades, and we were often teachers' pets. Sometimes I questioned if it was really the best thing for me to be friends with Allie. I felt that perhaps I would have had a better chance among the popular crew if I dropped her. I didn't do it, though.

In sixth grade, Allie introduced me to a friend of hers. His name was Billy. I instantly hated this kid. Allie spent much of her time with Billy, and I was left relatively alone because I hadn't managed to make any other friends. That year, I fought with both Billy and Allie. A lot. However by seventh grade we were all friends, and had even added a couple of other people to our group. By the end of eighth grade we had a group of ten people. Peyton transferred schools that year, which was upsetting.

In ninth grade I decided I was sick of being the quiet girl that nobody knew. I made it my goal to become more outgoing. I guess I managed to complete that goal, because a few of my friends approached me and asked why I had started acting like a "slut." At that time I hadn't even kissed anyone, let alone done anything else considered slutty. Perhaps it was simply because I had changed so quickly in both fashion and speech.

But after that I stopped caring. I said what I wanted, flirted openly, and had a lot more fun with life. My friends still say that I "need Jesus" and all that, and it hurts. But at the same time, I know that I haven't done anything. I have never had sex, nor let a guy touch me, but they still say that I'm a slut. Slut/slət/nounderogatory1. a woman who has many casual sexual partners.

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