Submitted by @meowwow

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It started on the first day when my friend was the new girl. (Let's call her Katie.) By the time a few weeks passed, people started to call her a whore AND a slut.

It went on and her "reputation " spread to the high school. Two sophomores claimed Katie flashed them after school.

Not too long after that, rumors were made that she had AIDS and was hooking up with older guys.

Her own mom even believed it.

By the end of the first semester, she started talking about death and admitted she wanted to kill herself.

I didn't know what to say. I loved Katie like she was my sister.

Our friends helped squash rumors that came. By March of this year, the bullying stopped and she later moved away to a nearby town.

I really don't know why she was bullied, but to some people, she hung out with a lot of boys and they thought of it a different way, if you get what I mean. But I am sure it stopped because it was "getting old."

Many girls in my school are bullied sexually and it pisses me off. Thank you, Emily, for posting your diary to show no one is alone and that bullying is NOT cool. Hopefully there will be a time when women are not ashamed of themselves.

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