Submitted by @AllyGoesRoar55

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I haven't really slut shamed myself. I'm not I'm that type of person. But this all starts about three years ago when I met my ex boyfriend.

We met on a game (Our World) and we were just friends at the start. I made up a lie to protect myself. I said I was a 16-year-old girl who was pregnant with her boyfriend's baby. I made the boyfriend's account, so it looked real. After about two months of faking this, I told my ex who I really was and he said he loved me. We were dating ever since then.

Fast forward a year.

I was sexually abused by him. He called me names and made me feel worthless. Every time I tried to leave he wouldn't let me; he said he'd kill himself, then the next day he'd go and call me a slut and make me send him photos.

He dumped me on the 14th of October 2014. I didn't want him to leave me. We stayed friends and he would shove him new girlfriends in my face. The way he treated me ended with me getting an eating disorder. He always says he never started it and that he treated me right. He copied me, making my eating disorder worse, telling me he was starving himself. He would send photos of himself saying how fat he was. He knew that I was struggling, he knew I was underweight, and he made it worse.

My ex is a horrible person. He called me names and made me feel like a worthless "slut." He only wanted me for nudes and sex. I'm ashamed that I let him do this to me.

But things got better... around three months ago, the guy I had been crushing on for the year before asked me to be his girlfriend. Of course I said yes. We've been dating ever since. He makes me feel loved and I can be myself with him.

I'm still struggling with an eating disorder.

I had sex for the first time 4 days ago and was only called a slut to my face twice, by the same person. I didn't take offense because I know I'm not. He was my first, it was in a safe area, and I trusted him.You aren't a "slut," don't ever believe what they call you (unless it's something good - always believe good stuff).

Things do get better, you just need to believe. Slut shaming and name calling is wrong. It always will be.

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