Submitted by @alexandriaplease10

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It all started in the summer of 8th grade. He was my best friend's brother. (Cliche, right?) Except, not. It started with innocent teasing. Then tickling. The tickling turned into something way further than it ever should have.

Slut shaming is super common, but what most people don't realize is that one of the worst kinds of slut shaming is internal. From that night on, I called myself a slut all the time. It was almost like my nickname.

Then, I started wearing promiscuous clothes, in hopes of getting more boys' attention. I began to flirt with all the guys, because I wanted to. I liked having them wrapped around my finger. I still do.

I just came home from my neighbors' house, occupied by 4 guys, all in highschool. I always "cuddle" with the boys and it was usually no big deal. But earlier that day I had heard there were rumours circulating with people calling me a slut, whore, bitch, and stoner.

The name "slut" really hit home, but the worst part is I agreed with them. I try to fight the rumors.

Please stop. And please don't call yourself a slut. You're not. Nobody deserves that, and neither do you.

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