Submitted by @DinosaurJammin

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I've never really shared my story with anyone, but since it's beginning to get better I am deciding to share my story.

It started out when a new girl came to our school in Year 5 (not sure which grade that is, but in Year 5 you're ten years old), let's call this new girl Rose. She had the kind of hair any ten-year-old girl would die for, long like a princess. She made friends with someone who was my best friend, we'll call her Megan, and our friendship group. It consisted of a few other girls, who we'll call Tegan, Sally and Meredith.

The new girl, Rose, had made friends with Meredith and soon the pretty, perfect Rose had joined our friendship group. She began to take over the once-peaceful, five-year friendship group and soon Rose, Meredith, Tegan (who was my bestest friend, even best-ier than Megan) and Sally had broken the group to make their own. Megan and I became closer, and we spent every day insulting Rose behind her back. Fortunately nobody heard, but that wasn't the same for Rose's insults.

The insult-hurling continued into the middle of Year Six, when Rose and Megan broke into a physical argument, with many witnesses in the school playground. Rose was with her new friends, however Tegan was on our side. Rose had managed to pluck up some new bullies, and Megan pushed Rose slightly, no more than a baby push. So Rose took this majorly and began to kick Megan, calling her fat, ugly, and many other hurtful words.

It blew over for a short period of time, as my mum had been diagnosed with cancer towards the end of 2012 and she was going for an operation. I began visiting my school therapist and I would break down occasionally. Because I was so unsure of what was happening I became confused in my social life. I began to swap from Rose to Megan, trying to make best friends with Tegan again. Soon, Year Six ended, with me, Megan and Tegan the unbreakable trio.

The Summer Vacation began, and it went by quickly. About two weeks before it ended, Rose and I got into a both physical and verbal fight, with me simply protecting a friend. I dreaded going to my new school, as Tegan and Megan were going off to a different school and I was left to face Rose and her army by myself.

School started and my mum had been told she had to go for an operation, and I was so sure I'd get cancer that I began to self harm and became suicidal. I also was scared for my mum as I couldn't imagine a world with her beautiful smile.

Rose and I didn't improve, and nearly every day we would go see teachers about our cat fights. I laid off, but Rose didn't back down and soon the whole class was against me.

As I strongly stood up for gay rights, the entirety of the class began to doubt my sexuality and call me "lesbian." I began to doubt my sexuality and am still in the closet, well, to my friends and family. Nevertheless, I was bullied for three years and it still goes on today with worse words and thirty people against me. However, I continue to hold my ground and refuse to back down.

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