Submitted by Anonymous

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I'm the smart kid who acts kind of like a dude, so I never thought anyone would like me. Nerd? Check. Tomboyish? Check. Unappealing? Apparently, not.

All throughout grade school I've had guy friends and gal friends but I kinda like hanging out with guys more because it's less stress, you know?

Well, in seventh grade, they proved me wrong.

I'm close friends with the popular crew and before I realized anything, five of them were courting me. They broke off their friendships to start chasing ME. (Pretty damn stupid if you ask me.)

I didn't want to hurt anyone, so whenever they did something sweet I'd smile and say thank you. I never outright said no, because I couldn't bear to say no to their adorable puppy dog eyes.

Then the bullying started. My girl friends ditched me. First, they dropped subtle hints of hostility and started leaving me out. They were probably jealous because they had a crush on the guys asking me out.

One day I received a note:


You whore. You're leading them on 'cause you enjoy the attention, you slut. Guess what? All you're good for are your boobs and your butt. Your brains are just gonna be filled up with all their fucking ridiculous praise.”

It's longer and stings more and I remember crying. The sorry tweets and the voicemail because they had blocked me. The instagram sorry doodle pics. All. Of. Them.

Then they said that they'd forgive me if I stopped the courting. Being dumb, I said no. I didn't want to be a  heartbreaker.

Then a hate website was put up. The Facebook page and the Facebook group and the hate account on Twitter and Instagram where they edit and make fun of my face and spread fake rumors about me.

My guy friends found out and—I'm not sure. Rumors kept revising themselves. All I know is they faced them down, taught them a lesson.

They made more popular hate websites and accounts on my group of haters, and it festered into a big war that hasn't stopped quite yet. I'm still lying low, keeping quiet, now in eighth grade. I already turned my suitors down, but they're in denial. They think I said no because I was pressured to do so. It fueled their anger for my ex-friends.

I'll admit that I enjoyed their attention, too, I just pretended I didn't. The sick feeling of self-satisfaction always invaded me whenever I see the jealous stares of other girls. Sometimes I even kiss them on the cheek when we're in private, just to keep my hold on them a little more.

I shouldn't have lead them on. Shouldn't have been a slut.

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