Submitted by Anonymous

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I have never in my life been labeled a 'slut'. I have been labeled as a guy, a bitch, and many more hurtful things that I would not like to mention, but 'slut' has never been one of them.

There are girls in my school who like being called a slut. They want people to think that girls in the school are jealous of them, so they go into the girls washroom and write their name and say: [INSERT NAME HERE] is a slut'.

I've always wondered why they wanted to be labeled as a slut and I still don't know. It's beyond me why.

Anyways, today I was called a slut because of what I was wearing. Heaven forbid wearing black tights, leopard printed high tops, a baggy sweater, and a scarf wrapped around my head is considered 'slutty'.

Never have I ever in my life revealed more of my body than I did today. But what I didn't understand was the fact that a Muslim girl (me) was labeled a slut, but then the girl sitting two rows in front of me was wearing such a tight shirt that it literally spilled her breasts out wasn't called anything. Not that I wish that upon her.

What I realized is that not just slut shaming is hurtful, it's all types of shaming/bullying. Don't ever let anyone call you something and bring you down without your consent. You should not feel inferior.

Tomorrow I am going to go back to school and tell the person what I feel. I don't care who you are, you do not have the right to judge me. Yes, we are judgmental people but we should stop judging people. It's sickening.

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