Chapter 1: Russia's Legend

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"He also crushed the free skating event," the commentator said. I watched as he skates together with his fellow skaters.

"It will be the fifth consecutive Grand Prix Final Victory for Russia's legend, Victor Nikiforov," I watched him as he raises his gold medal in the air and places it near his mouth. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back then he started waving at the crowd.

Whistles and shouts can be heard

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Whistles and shouts can be heard. Especially the screams of his dying fangirls. Of course, who wouldn't get flattered by him? He's very attractive and nice to his fans.

After some time of waving and smiling, he got down from the little platform he was standing on and went to the backstage. I quickly walked inside as well.

"Congratulations, Victor!" People inside greeted him. Once I saw him, I ran towards him and hugged him. I buried my face on his chest. He chuckled and placed his arms around me. "Congrats, Victor!" I said with my face still buried in his chest. "Thank you, (y/n)!" He replied and let go.

I looked at his eyes and smiled. He looked back at my (e/c) orbs and smiled back. "And this goes to you," he said. I looked down to see his hand offering me the flower he got. I grabbed it and placed it near my nose so I can smell their scent. They smell nice. I looked back at him, "Thanks, Victor!" He smiled and kissed my forehead.

He entwined his fingers with mine and we walked together to the changing room. "How did I look?" He asked. "You look fantastic, as always. Oh, and I liked your costume!" I answered. A small blush crept across his face and I chuckled at it.

I removed my hands from his when we reached the changing room. "I'll wait here," I said. Victor smiled, "Okay then." He went in and I sat on the bench beside the door.

I placed the flowers on my lap and pulled out my phone from my pocket. I started scrolling through the news. I saw a lot of news about Victor and it made me smile. I didn't read the articles because I've read so much of those from Victor's previous victories.

One heading caught my attention. "Katsuki Fell to Last Place. Is This Season His Last?" I suddenly felt sad. "I hope not," I thought. I know he's not a bad skater. He just lacks confidence. I wish I could help him.

Aside from skating, I used to teach children how to skate on my free days. I used to skate with Victor all the time but he suddenly changed to individual skating. My coach said he will just find another partner for me. Ever since Victor left pair skating, whoever my partner was, pair skating became boring for me. It's just that skating with Victor feels very different.

My parents thought this was the end of my skating but I did not let that happen. I told my coach that I will switch to individual skating. He coached me until I was good enough to go after Victor.

I wanted to be coached by his current coach, Yakov. It wasn't that easy convincing him. He wants me to prove that I'm worthy to be coached by him so I skated. I will not forget his reaction after I performed. He clapped his hands and welcomed me. I know I was better than his expectations.

I also became the champion of different contests. But the world was focusing more on men singles. My popularity did shine like Victor's but he won more competitions than I did.

The door beside me suddenly opened making me jump out of my thoughts. Victor and Yuri Plisetsky came out. Victor looked at me and said "Let's go," and offered his hand. I placed my phone back in my pocket and took Victor's hand.

"We'll accompany Yuri to the airport first," Victor said. I nodded. As we got out, Victor started talking to Yuri. "Yuri. About your free performance, the step sequence could use more—" he said but was cut off by Yuri "I won, so who cares? Quit nagging, Victor."

I looked at Yuri which made him look away. "You should listen to Victor, Yuri. It will help you improve your skating," I said. He looked back at me and pouted. I stared into his eyes and he looked away again. I chuckled at his reaction.

We reached Yakov and he started to discipline Yuri, "Hey, Yuri! You can't talk that way forever!" Yakov is always hot-headed but I was able to get the hang of it through the years.

Victor was looking at Yuri when he noticed something behind him. He let go of my hands and turned around. "A commemorative photo?" He asked and smiled. I turned around to look at who he was talking to and saw Yuri Katsuki. He was looking back at us. "Sure," Victor said and smiled. I smiled at Katsuki as well.

Katsuki turned around and walked towards the exit

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Katsuki turned around and walked towards the exit. My smile faded. Victor and I stared at him. "Cold," I said. Victor and I turned around at the same time and he places his arm across my shoulders and pulled me closer.

Once Yuri and Yakov's conversation was finished, Victor removed his arm from my shoulder and held my hand. "Goodbye, Yuri!" Victor said and waved. "Bye!" I said and waved as well.

We walked back to the arena to take a rest. The staff told us that the changing room is also our bedroom. Sandra, my best friend who came with us, said she'll be fine sleeping on the couch. We returned to the changing room. There was a door on the other end of the room. It must be where the bed is. We walked towards the door. I opened it and saw a good looking bed.

I quickly jumped over it and tucked myself under the sheets. Victor chuckled as he saw what I did and closed the door behind him. He laid on the bed as well and tucked his self under the sheets. I turned around so my back was facing him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed the back of my head and we both drifted off to sleep.

The next night...

"The last group has just entered the arena," the commentator said. I removed my hand from his and watched him practice. "All eyes are on Victor Nikiforov, who's going for his fifth consecutive World Championship gold. He will be skating last." Added the commentator.

"I should go prepare his costume," I thought. As I turn around, another commentator spoke, "Well, Honda-san, this is certainly unexplored territory! It'll really be interesting to see how far he can go. When you watch Victor..." As I walk inside, the sound got softer and softer until I was unable to hear it.

"(Y/n)!!!" I heard someone call my name so I turned around and saw my best friend running towards me. She was waving her phone in the air with a smile on her face. It seems like she has something to show me.

"Hi, Sandra," I said. "Have you seen these?!" She asked and showed me some pictures on her phone. They were pictures of Victor and I. One picture has Victor's arm on my shoulder. And another was the two of us holding hands.

I sighed, "I knew it." She smiled at me and jumped around, "You two look so cute and sweet together, I just can't stop myself!" I chuckled at her reactions.

"Help me fix his costume," I said. She stopped jumping and nodded, "Okay!"

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