Chapter 23: Wrong Time

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We went back to Yu-Topia and ate. Minako joined us. "So, what will you do for a costume tomorrow?" Minako asked.

"Oh! I totally forgot!" Yuuri replied.

"I didn't bring anything, either," Yurio said.

"That's taken care of!" Victor and I said in unison.

"I had Sandra send all the costumes Victor has ever worn in competition from Russia!" I said proudly.

"Who's Sandra?" Yuuri asked.

"(Y/n)'s best friend," Yurio replied.

I finished my food and stood. "I'm going to go to the airport and get the costumes," I said. Victor grabbed my wrist. I looked down at him. "Just call someone there and let them deliver it here."

"Okay, fine. But you do it."

Victor nodded. Since I already finished eating, I told them I will be in my room. I opened the window and sat on the windowsill. I was about to dial the airport's number when my phone rang. It was Sandra.


"(Y/n)! I'm on my way now!"

"What do you mean you're on your way?"

I suddenly stood.

"I took the opportunity to visit you. I got the costumes with me."

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!"

I jumped up and down and giggled.

"Chill, girl."

I can't believe she's here.

"I will wait for you outside Yu-Topia."

"Okay, I'll expect to see you there."

"Okay, bye, see ya."


I ended the call and squealed. The door suddenly opened. "What's wrong?" Victor asked.

"Victor, Sandra is here!" I said and ran towards him. I jumped and hugged him. He chuckled and hugged back. I buried my face on his shoulder and squealed. I am so happy to see her.

I let go and grabbed Victor's hand. "Let's wait for her outside!" We went outside and sat on the bench beside the door.

"What is she doing here?" Victor asked.

"She's bringing the costumes," I answered.

Victor entwined his fingers with mine and placed his head on my shoulder.

"If Yurio wins, would we return to Russia?" I asked.

"I promised Yurio so yes "

"How about Yuuri?"

The question was followed by silence.

"Would you allow me to stay?" I asked.

Victor sighed and sat straight. He looked ahead and he seems to be thinking.

I don't want to leave Yuuri. I don't want him to leave skating. I don't want him to end up the way I did. I want him to enjoy skating for as long as possible.

"Victor, you know I want to spread the magic of skating to people," I said.

"It's not the time to be talking about this, (Y/n)" Victor replied with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

We argued about this before. He wouldn't want me to travel by myself because he's afraid that the accident before might happen again. He's afraid of it happening again. I know he loves me and he cares for me but, I want to do something and not just sit at home, doing nothing.

We sat there in silence. I'll give this a time. It will pass. Now, I must look happy for Sandra will visit.

We waited a few more minutes before a taxi stopped in front of the gate. "Sandra," I said as I stood.

I walked forward and waited for the person inside the taxi to come out. The taxi door opened and Sandra stepped out.

Her beautiful blonde hair is neatly pulled up in a bun. She wears the black leather jacket I gave her before, and a white tank top underneath it. She also has a white necklace on her neck. She wears her jeans and black boots.

"Sandra!" I said as I ran and tackled her in an embrace.

"Hey, (y/n)!" She chuckled and hugged me back.

We let go and the driver took the suitcases out. Victor walked towards the driver to help him. "Victor sure has a lot of costumes," Sandra said and sighed.

"I'm sorry again for the trouble," I said and held her hands.

"Pfft, it's okay," she replied and laughed. She looked at my hands and noticed the bracelet. "Aww, you kept it," she said and touched the bracelet.

"Of course, I did. It was from you."

We let go and helped Victor carry the suitcases to our room.

"Hi, Yuri!" Sandra said as she spotted Yurio. Yurio's eyes widened. "What are you doing here?" He asked coldly.

"Quit being cold, Yuri! I'm here to watch the competition for tomorrow," Sandra replied.

Yurio rolled his eyes and ignored us. Sandra then saw Yuuri. "You must be Yuuri Katsuki," she said.

Yuuri quickly nodded in response. Sandra smiled. "Hi, I'm Aleksandra Romanov. (Y/n)'s best friend," she said and held her hand out.

Yuuri shook her hand, "It's nice meeting you." Sandra's smile never left her face. "Nice to meet you too," she said. She is always a happy person and I like that.

Once the suitcases were up in our room, Yuuri and Yurio opened them to choose. Sandra and I sat together on the bed.

"Wow!" Yuuri said as he opened a suitcase, one after the other, pulling out clothes.

"There are lots of stupid-looking ones," Yurio said.

"Hey, you wore this one at the Grand Prix Final last year!" Yuuri said.

"Hey! Don't pick anything flashier than mine!" Yurio shouted. But Yuuri pretty much ignored him.

"This is from the Junior World Championship!" Yuuri said and held out the black costume.

"Oh, yeah. I had long hair at the time, so my costume suggested both male and female genders at once," Victor said.

"Yea, that time," I thought and a flashback appeared in my mind.

I was crying on my bed as I watch the news. "(Y/n), stop crying. It's okay!" Sandra said, patting my shoulder.

"It's not okay!" I said and continued crying. "He left me."

I buried my face on my pillow. Sandra sighed. "I can't skate anymore," I said.

"Don't talk like that. You will skate again!" She said.

"I doubt I will ever have a partner like Victor again."

Sandra sighed. "Everything is going to be alright. You hear me?"

I nodded. She moved closer and hugged me. I looked at the television and watched Victor's performance. "I will follow you," I said in my mind.
*End of flashback...

"Hey, you okay?" Sandra asked, gently shaking me. "Ah, yeah," I replied.

"I choose this one!" Yuuri said and brought the costume closer to him.

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