Chapter 53: Waiting

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The night has now turned into day and it is now time to go. We did the necessary things to do when we woke up and double-checked our stuff if anything is missing.

Today, I wore a simple gray hoodie, black leggings, and white sneakers. When everything is done, we made our way to the garage and wait for Minako, since she is the one doing the talking to the hotel staff and something like that.

It didn't take long and Minako was back in no time. Before we knew it we were already driving down the road. It is around 10:00 in the morning and we had a short stop at a fast-food restaurant to have brunch then we hit the road again. It is now the start of another 6-hour journey back to Hasetsu.


Though it was already afternoon when we got back, my body and mind still feel sleepy. Once Victor and I got into our room, I just removed my shoes then quickly jumped onto the bed. It felt as if jumping right into the embrace of napping.

I woke up after an hour and a half. I tried going back to sleep but it was no use. Victor isn't beside me either. Maybe he's out in the yard playing with Makkachin. I can hear Makkachin's happy barks from here.

I rolled on the bed and l laid on my stomach. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and well, I've got to tell Sandra the news.

There is already a notification from my messaging app and it was from my one and only best friend. I guess the news spread like wildfire.

Aleksandra Romanov

"Heyyyy I heard Yuuri has won! Congrats to him!!"

The message was sent hours ago and oh glob, I feel kinda bad for replying late. I just have to tell the truth that I was so tired, I needed a nap. I know she'll understand.

"Hello! Sorry for the late reply. The trip was so tiring, I slept as soon as we got back."

It might take a while for her to reply, she must be doing something. I'm just gonna go close my eyes for a while. But before I know it, my phone rang. I answered the call.



"Hi, Sandra!"

"How was it? How are you?"

"It was amazing! You should watch the video somewhere. Yuuri was really beautiful. I'm doing okay, I feel alive since I took a nap."

"I've already watched it."

"That was fast."

"And hey, you looked cute! Your outfit was nice, as always."

"Oh, thank you hahahaha!

"And you looked pretty there holding hands with Victor yieeee!"

"Oh stop it."

"So when is the wedding?"

"Ehhh?! W-what?"

"Nah, just kidding hahaha! But don't make everyone wait for too long."

The moment from yesterday when we were interviewed for a fashion magazine appeared in my mind. A smirk found its way to my lips, "It'll happen before you know it."

"I look forward to it, then." I could feel the smile on Sandra's face here.

"Lunch break is almost over, I need to go," she said.

"Oh is that so? Okay, let's talk some other time again," I replied.

"We sure will. Goodbye, (y/n)."

"Goodbye, take care," and with that, Sandra ended the call. I sighed and rolled again, I laid on my back this time and stared up the ceiling.

"The wait would soon be over before you know it."

"Was that a proposal?"

"Who knows."

Curiosity began to itch within me. What was that supposed to mean? Is he giving subtle hints? I think I'm just getting my hopes up. Am I?

I groaned as the thoughts come running through my mind. I sighed, "Okay, let's not overthink," I told myself.

Maybe I just need a good dip in the hot springs right now. That's it! I just need to relax and think about nothing at all.

I quickly stood up, grabbed my towel from the closet, and before I knew it, I'm already downstairs, making my way towards the hot springs. I stopped on my tracks when I heard Makkachin again. I slowly walked towards the window to look out. I slowly opened the window and peeked. I was right a while ago, Victor is out playing with Makkachin. I shouldn't disturb their moment together.

I closed the window and headed to the hot springs. I removed my clothes, all of them, folded them neatly, and then placed them on the shelves.

Here I am walking around, naked. The towel is draped over my shoulders. Fortunately, the springs are closed today so I can enjoy it all for myself. Besides, Yuuri's mom told us we can use it anytime we wanted.

I made my way to the bathing area. I hung my towel on the rod and proceeded to sit on the small stool in front of a shower. I turned it on to let my skin get wet then went on scrubbing myself with soap. I should make sure I'm all clean before going into the springs.

After getting myself cleaned up, I turned on the shower again and quickly rinsed it all away. I wiped myself with the towel and once I'm dry, I wrapped it around my body to cover myself in case there is someone out there.

I made my way towards the springs and I'm glad no one is there. I can have a good "me time" today. I stood at the side of the springs and unwrapped the towel from my body. I folded it neatly and placed it on top of my head. I carefully stepped into the water, trying to balance the towel on my head so it won't fall off.

I moved slowly towards the other end of the hot spring, the one at the side of the wall so that I can see everything. I sat on that spot, dipping my upper body into the water, and I'm telling you it feels so good.

A sigh escaped my lips as I indulged in the relaxing moment. It feels as if all the weight has been pulled off my body and I feel very very light.

As soon as I closed my eyes, my mind drifted back into what Victor said. I don't want to get my hopes up, but why does it feel so good to do so?

Everyone is waiting...

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