Chapter 51: Lip Balm

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So where did Yuuri go? I walked around the inside looking for him but well, unfortunately, he is nowhere to be found. I went to the main entrance to ask the security guard if he happened to see Yuuri pass by.

"Hello, sir. Did you see Yuuri Katsuki go out?" I asked.

"Oh hello. No one has come out yet since the event started," he answered.

"I see. Thank you very much," I gave a slight bow before walking away. I guess I'll head back inside then.

"Yuuri!" I called as I pass every hallway. There weren't a lot of people outside in the lobby so it'll be easy to find Yuuri if he is here. I have reached the entrance to the rink, but still, no Yuuri.

I was about to push the glass door open when I noticed a door on the other side. It looked like it leads somewhere outside. I walked towards it, and slowly opened it.

The door leads to the parking lot where Yuuri is doing some stretching on his own, with his earphones on. Well, you're never alone when you have music with you. He didn't seem to notice me.

I don't think I need to go out and give him a pep talk or something. I think he needs some time by himself before his turn. I stepped back inside and closed the door in front of me.

The glass doors leading towards the rink opened, and Victor comes out. "Hey," I called out, walking towards him.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

"Just somewhere around," I answered. I am now standing in front of him.

Victor squinted, "Don't wander off around, let's watch." He threw his arm over my shoulder and lead me inside.

A smirk found its way in my lips. "You should tell that to our dear student," I said.

"What?" Victor asked, looking down at me.

"Nothing!" I chuckled. "Let's go," I removed his arm on my shoulder and just held his hand. We sat on the bench Victor was sitting on a while ago. We held hands as we watched the other two skaters performed. You know, just things couples do.

As soon as the third performer was about to finish, Victor and I walked towards the entrance of the rink to wait for Yuuri. I hope he doesn't get too much "me time" and be unaware of the time.

Minami caught my attention. He's been cheering on the other performers, boosting them. What a nice thing to do. This guy, I may say, is a good sport.

It was somehow entertaining to listen to his cheers. He was cheering on and on. All of a sudden, he stopped. I looked sidewards at him, to see why he stopped. He is staring at something or someone.

I looked at the direction he is looking at and look who I found. It's our Yuuri walking towards us with something between fierce and serious expression. I have to admit that expression looks very good on him. Especially now, his bangs are brushed out of his face.

 Especially now, his bangs are brushed out of his face

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Minami's eyes never left Yuuri. Yuuri stopped short when he reached Minami and gave him a rather hard pat on the back which caused the other boy to shiver.

Minami's manager looked at Yuuri in surprise but Yuuri walked off. He is now heading towards us. Once he reached us, he slid his jacket off and handed it to Victor. The costume looks so perfect on Yuuri.

"The costume is great," Victor commented. "You look good in it."

Yuuri adjusted his sleeves. I reached my hand out and fixed his hair, pushing the other strands away from his face. I placed my index finger and thumb on his chin and gently pulled his face forward.

"Your lips are chapped," I said. Victor took out the lip balm in his pocket and gave it to me. I opened the small container, rubbed a finger in it, and applied it on Yuuri's lips.

I gave the lip balm back to Victor and smiled at Yuuri. "Show them what you got," I whispered as I moved closer to hug him. Yuuri gladly returned it. I ran my hands a few times on his back before letting go. Victor patted him on the shoulder and nodded.

The third performer is now finished. Yuuri is making his way towards the rink. "Representing Ice Castle Hasetsu please welcome Katsuki Yuuri-san," the host spoke.

The audience welcomed Yuuri with a warm round of applause. "Good luck, Yuuri-kun!" Minami shouted. Victor and I stood together, with his hand on my waist as I hug the Makkachin tissue holder.

The music began right away and so did Yuuri. The story is told in his program is about his career as a figure skater. This program starts with the Yuuri from back when he felt he was fighting alone.

The first jump is a quad-triple combination. Yuuri was able to do it just fine during practices and until now but there were some changes. I raised my eyebrows, "He changed the triple to a double?" I asked myself. "Is he planning to change the jump elements?"

As if reading mind Victor spoke, "Is he going to add a triple in the second half?"

"Or is he going back to having three quads?" I continued.

Doesn't he remember how we told him to focus more on refining the program than being distracted by jumps? He looks so stiff! This is the part that expresses when we showed up as his coaches. Because of his stiffness, it looks like he didn't like it at all.

Yuuri carried on and from what I can see, he is going to do a triple salchow. Oh no, it became quadruple! Yuuri stepped out of the landing. He was able to put his hand down so he also got back up easily.

Well, he did revert the program to having three quads. I hugged the Makkachin tissue holder tighter. "Shake it off," I say in my mind.

"Good," Victor says.

Yuuri then did a triple loop, and I tell you, he did it so perfectly. The story continues to where Yuuri realized something like love. The second half is coming up and he already looks tired but he has great stamina. He can do this. Next is an outside spread eagle, then an Ina Bauer.

That's it, Yuuri. It's beautiful. You're beautiful. Skate like you're the most beautiful person on the ice right now. This is also what I always tell myself back then.

Next, is a triple axel. Yuuri, once again, was able to do it perfectly. It is good, he hung in there. Then, a triple flip. Perfect! I could feel my eyes get teary. Am I the emotional type? I don't think I am, but Yuuri's program is so wonderful.

Even though he isn't nailing some of the other jumps, the audience is fired up. Why? Yuuri is skating perfectly in time with the music. One of the things both Victor and I love about him.

The next jumps weren't perfect but they were so close! Yuuri is being too impatient today. Sounds bad, doesn't it? But it is the reason why we can't look away!

He is now down to his last jump. He tried but miserably failed. And to top it off, he hit his head on the wall. I facepalmed, "I told him to make the last jump a triple for the points."

"I wonder who he takes after, to be so rebellious toward his coaches," Victor said.

"We were like that back then. So rebellious to our coaches. I think we are now reaping what we sow," I answered.

Yuuri is now down to his last moves and finally, the program came to an end. His final position is where his hand point off to something and guess what? It is pointing to us, and that makes me glad. Blood dripped out of his nose and this made me laugh. Laugh from his clumsiness, and laugh to the joy that he has brought upon us all.

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