Chapter 25: On Love: Agape

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"We're here at Ice Castle Hasetsu, venue of the Hasetsu Exhibition: Hot Springs on Ice. Right off the bat, we have skaters Katsuki Yuuri and Yuri Plisetsky. Both your new short programs were choreographed by Victor Nikiforov and (Y/n) (L/n). You'll be presenting them today in competition. Tell us how you feel going into the event!" The reporter said.

"Um, it'd be great if you'd try the hot springs afterward," Yuuri answered but was cut off. "Hey! We're not asking you to promote tourism! Promote yourself!"

"We don't need two Yuris. I'll crush him," Yurio said blankly but the reporter found it great. "Yes, that's it! Thanks for giving us what we wanted to hear! Spasibo, spasibo."

I was trying to hold my laughter when Victor took my hand. I looked at our hands, entwined together then at him. He smiled sweetly at me, "It's our turn." I smiled back at him and nodded.

I noticed the sash around him that says "Hasetsu Tourism Ambassador". "We shouldn't be promoting tourism, you know?" I said and gave it a light tug. "Victor chuckled and pulled me towards the camera.

"Last but not least, let's hear from Victor Nikiforov and (Y/n) (L/n), who switched to coaching out of the blue!" The reporter said and he moved away from the camera, revealing us.

Victor raised his hand together with mine. "Hi! Hasetsu is a great place! Come and visit at least once!" He said cheerfully. "Victor," I whispered. I tried to pull our hands down but his grip tightened. "What are you doing, Victor?" Yuuri asked as he and Yurio approached us.

"Huh?" Victor asked innocently and placed our hands down. "Stop that! It makes today's face-off look cheap! You'd better be ready to evaluate our battle!" Yurio growled.

"You'll grant the wish of whichever one of us wins, right?" Yuuri asked.

"Oh... of course!" Victor said. I chuckled and wrapped my arm around his. Victor sometimes tends to get carried away and lose focus. It's cute how Victor can go from being childish, to being so manly. "You forgot, didn't you?" Yurio asked, clearly looking unimpressed.

"Enough of that, let's go," I said as I pulled Victor with me. Yuuri and Yurio followed behind us. We entered the changing rooms. Victor removed his kimono, folded it neatly and placed it on the shelf. He then wore his jacket and scarf. He stood beside the shelf and placed his finger on his chin. I sat on the chair opposite of him.

I watched Yuuri and Yurio as they started warming up. I kept silent because I did not want to ruin their concentration. I already did the talking a while ago. I looked at Yurio and he kept on glancing at Yuuri. Yurio seems to be bothered. This is not like him. He would always feel confident and have his chin up. But right now, he seems to be troubled.

"You can do it. You're Yuri Plisetsky," I thought.

"Yurio-kun!" A female voice called from outside. Yuuko's head popped out of the black curtain that covers the doorway. "It's almost time," she said.

Yurio removed his headphones and handed it to me. "Okay," he said. He pulled his jacket's zipper down, revealing his costume. Yurio turned around. Yuuko squealed as soon as she saw Yurio in the costume.

"It's the see-through costume of legend from Victor's junior days!" Yuuko said as she started to walk towards Yurio while covering her bloody nose. "I never thought I'd see it in person! It's so beautiful..."

Yurio's unamused face turned into some sort of you're-crazy face. "You're gushing all kinds of fluid again," he said.

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