Chapter 109: Jewel in the Necklace

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A year after the Grand Prix in Barcelona, Victor and I were victorious in the following competitions we've joined. The world of pair skating has never been the same. Alongside the beginning of our last gold medals was Yuuri's first. 

As promised, Yuuri won gold in the next Gran Prix. He won over Yuri by a very small margin. Indeed, that season was more heart-stopping than the last. Neither of the two boys wanted to lose. But this time, the universe was in Yuuri's favor as if it couldn't wait for Victor and me to join hands in marriage.


A wedding is not just a festivity here in Russia but also a jewel in the necklace of family history. For this once on a lifetime event, Victor and I decided to do it in St. Petersburg. It is one of the most romantic cities in the world and a perfect venue for the most magical and exciting event in life.

One autumn morning, I sat at the back row of Donik's car. On the passenger seat sat my dad, and Donik was driving. They both helped me in getting in the car without wrinkling my gown.

The drive from Victor and I's apartment towards the palace is not that long. In fact, Sandra and the other bridesmaids might have made it there already. We would've been too if only Donik wasn't driving at a leisurely pace.

I glanced out the window during the ride. Leaves were falling off the trees as the car passes by. Every leaf speaks bliss to me. Autumn is the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. This morning the red sun is opening like a rose on the window of the car.

My mind flutters to the empty apartment we were in earlier. It is where I got prepared. It was mostly an empty apartment at that time, if not for the necessary things needed to get me ready. My family was there, together with Sandra who did my make-up and my hair. 

I chose to make my last moment at that apartment memorable. Victor and I have lived there for years. I grew attached to the place. I wanted some kind of closure before Victor and I would move to our new home. The three people who were with me were out of the building and waiting for me outside. I walked around one last time.

Seeing the apartment as empty as the first day Victor and I arrived gave me a wave of melancholy. This place has also been my home. The sun's rays crawl through the curtainless windows bidding goodbye to me. As I slowly pull the door to a close, the view of the room slowly disappears from my sight. In my mind, I bid goodbye to the chapters of my story that took place in this room.

"Dominik, why are you driving too slow?" Dad asked, shaking me off my thoughts. I took a glance at Donik who happened to be wiping a tear away. "Are you crying?" Dad asked once again as he leans forward to take a look at my brother.

"Stop it, don't look," Donik said as he sniffed. His cute reaction made me chuckle. 

"Come on, it's not like I'm gonna die!" I joked. My younger brother must've gotten his soft heart from me. He can also be a crybaby sometimes. 

"That's right so hurry up," dad agreed. 

"Don't even pretend like you want me to drive fast," Donik replied. "I know you also don't want to get to the palace as soon as possible."

Dad cleared his throat in response. He turned around to glance at me before looking back at the road. "I can't believe my baby girl is now getting married. It felt like it wasn't long ago when you couldn't even leave your parents' side and now... you'll be marrying Victor and having a family of your own," he said.

"Oh come on, dad!" I said brightening up the atmosphere. "Don't make me cry now, my make up's gonna be ruined and Sandra wouldn't be pleased with that."

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