Chapter 17: Mirror

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We entered the snack bar. Minako was behind the bar. "(Y/n)? Victor?" She said as she looked at us. We walked towards her and sat on the stool.

"What is your order?" She asked. "An iced tea will do," he said and looked at me for approval. I nodded and him and he nodded at Minako.

She went inside to get our drink. "I don't see Yuuri in here," I said. "We'll ask her, don't worry," Victor replied.

Minako came back and she was carrying two glasses of iced tea. She placed them in front of us, "There you go."

I took a sip and asked, "Is Yuuri here?" She looked at me and gave me a confused look, "Huh? Yuuri? He's not here." Minako placed her elbow on the table to lean closer to us.

I raised my eyebrows and looked at Victor. "Mari said he often goes to your place at a time like this," he said. He glanced at me and smiled at me.

"By 'my place,' she meant my ballet studio. Whenever Yuuri gets anxious, he always wants to practice," Minako stood straight and raised her hand. "I usually go along with him. Ice Castle lets him skate anytime if it's not booked already. Yuuri was able to grow because he had a place where he could practice alone whenever he got anxious. He's no genius, but he was gifted with more free time than anyone else to practice," Minako said.

I took one big sip and finished my drink. Victor did the same as well. "Thank you, Minako," I said as we stood. "Anytime," she replied and smiled at us. We turned around and walked outside.

"Yuuri practices a lot," I said. Victor seems to be pondering about it and didn't reply. I know how Yuuri feels. To practice alone. He's just like me. Skating when he is anxious, skating for peace of mind.

I remember crying as I skate. Feeling empty and lonely. Losing someone special. Missing his warmth. His touch. His firm grip on my waist as we glide on the ice. I was able to move on through skating.

"Let's go home first and take Makkachin before going to Ice Castle," Victor said bringing me out of my thoughts. I nodded and smiled at him. He wrapped his arms around my shoulder.

The walk back home was silent. When we reached Yu Topia, I told Victor that I will get Makkachin and he stayed by the gate. He agreed so I went in and carried Makkachin.

Once I got out, I placed him down and he ran to Victor. Victor smiled at him and waited for me. We walked toward Ice Castle with Makkachin.

I'm still thinking about Yuuri. I begin to see some similarities we have. Skating alone gives him peace of mind. Gives him time to think. He's so like me.

When I was able to walk again after the accident, I would sneak out and skate by myself. It helps me clear my mind. It helps me forgive. It helps me forget. Having similarities with Yuuri will help me coach him and motivate him.

We went inside Ice Castle and saw Yuuko and Takeshi fixing the skates. The bells above the door rang and their attention turned to us.

"(Y/n)! Victor!" Yuuko exclaimed and smiled at us. We smiled back and asked if Yuuri was here. "Yuuri? Yes, he's here. Do you want to see him?" Yuuko asked. We nodded.

She led us to a room beside the rink. It has a big window that lets you see the rink. Yuuri was there. Skating. I carried Makkachin so that he will also be able to see Yuuri. Yuuri didn't seem to notice us.

"He's always come here to practice by himself," Takeshi spoke out.

"It always made me think he really loved skating. He didn't even play with his friends," Yuuko said.

Takeshi raised an eyebrow at her, "Well, he was never very good at making them. Skating aside, he's not good at putting himself out there. I don't want this to be the end for him."

"Me, neither," Yuuko said.

"The same goes for me," I thought.

"He actually hates losing. I hope Victor and (y/n) will bring out a side of Yuuri-kun that we've never seen before," she added.

"We surely will," I answered in my mind and closed my eyes.

Victor spoke making me open my eyes, "So, a magic spell to change the little piggy into a prince..."

I looked at him and he earned a "Huh?" from Yuuko and Takeshi.

"Nothing," Victor said and wrapped his arms on my shoulder before we turned around, "Thanks. We know a lot more about Yuuri now."

We walked out and Makkachin walked happily behind us. We walked back home.

Yuuri didn't have many friends either. He isn't good at making them, as well. Sandra is my only best friend. I was very quiet when I was young. I only show a bit of talkativeness to Victor.

I never made the first move to be friends with someone. Sandra approached me when we were young. She was amazed by my skating. She would always watch me skate even on my practices. She would talk to me and that makes me happy. She was with me the first time I was revealed to the skating world until now. Victor made the first move as well and asked me to skate.

I can say it's thanks to them for making me shine. I wouldn't be chosen if it wasn't for Victor asking me to skate. Victor would be my only friend if Sandra didn't bother talking to me.

I changed into my pajamas and flopped down on our bed once we got home. There's a lot of things going on in my mind. I sighed and texted X

♡ Aleksandra Romanov ♡

"Found some similarities between Yuuri and me."

"And that is?"

"He skates when he's anxious. He skates for peace of mind."

"Whoa. He sounds like you. I remember your mom calling me if I know where you are when you sneak out and skate by yourself."

"He also doesn't have many friends. He's not very good at making them."

"You were too! You didn't talk much to me when we were young. You just listened to me and let me do the talking. I'm glad when you finally spoke up and it made us closer."

"Thanks for being by my side, Sandra."

"No problem, (y/n). I'd always be here."

"I need to sleep. Still got two Yuris to workout with tomorrow."

"Oh yeah! Plisetsky went to Japan. Well good luck to you, my friend. Good night as well. I'll call you when I have time."

"Good night, Sandra."

I placed my phone on the table beside us and tuned to Victor. He was looking at me and I blushed because of that. "Who was that?" He asked. "Sandra," I answered.

He smiled and hugged me. "Goodnight, (y/n)," he said and kissed my forehead. "Goodnight," I replied and leaned my head on his chest.

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