Chapter 48: Admirers

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We've arrived back at the hotel shortly after the interview. Victor opened the door for Yuuri and me, and just as I expected, confetti popped out. This is going to be some cleaning to do.

"You beat your previous best by almost ten points!" Minako screamed.

"Amazing!" Takeshi did as well.

"Thank you, b-but, turn it down, guys. People next door are sleeping by now," Yuuri replied.

"Ahh, right," Takeshi rubbed the back of his head.

"But since we're all here, and Yuuri had a great score, let's eat!" Minako motions to the dining table. I felt my stomach grumble, and it is only now when I realized I'm hungry.

"Isn't it too early to celebrate?" Victor asked.

"Oh no, shush! This is already an event to celebrate, so sit down and suit yourselves."

The dinner was simple, but it's the people around that make it special. We talked about the competition, how amazing Yuuri was, and we also showered him with compliments. It indeed deserves to have a little celebration.

It wasn't long before we finished eating. We need to be able to sleep as long as possible so we would have tons of energy and not feel sleepy throughout the next day. We rested for a short while, allowing the food we ate to go down before we sleep. I was helping Minako get things ready for tomorrow. The three boys were talking to each other, mostly about Yuuri's performance. After a while, we all got on our beds and let sleep take us away from reality.

The night came by in an instant. Before we know it, we were already getting dressed. Victor once again wore a suit. From what I can see, it's not the same suit from yesterday. There are some changes in the features. Knowing both of us, we don't wear the same clothes in public twice or thrice in a row. It just doesn't feel right. It makes me feel like people are thinking we only have few clothes. I'm not saying it's bad though, but being exposed to the media, the public, we gotta make sure we're presentable.

You're probably wondering what I am wearing. Well, of course, it isn't yesterday's outfit. Today, I am wearing a white tank top covered in a beige boyfriend blazer, and tucked in black slim-fit trousers. On my left wrist, there is a set of gold bangle bracelets, and on my right, there is a black cuff bracelet. For the shoes, I am wearing beige heels with ankle straps. I tied my hair up in a tight ponytail and I also am using my black sunglasses.

"Wow, aren't you a bit overdressed today?" Victor asked as I was checking myself out in the mirror.

I chuckled and turned around to face him. "Darling, you were the one who said we should look formal because this is our debut as coaches," I took steps towards him. "We should go out in style and..." I am now standing in front of him. I tilted my head upward to kiss his cheek. "...enjoy my look while it lasts." With those said, I walked past him to get my bag. I could feel the little smirk on his face.

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" I asked. "Let's go."

The day went on just like how it did yesterday. The practice is not open to the public anymore, though. The other skaters have arrived and shortly, they are now on the rink as well, with Yuuri. Warming up, practicing, you know it.

Watching them slowly made me feel bored. I told Victor I'd be away for a while. I would just be walking around, exploring this building and maybe entertain some fans.

I walked out the door into the lobby which is to my surprise, not that packed with people. At first, people didn't recognize me until a group of three teenage girls walked up to me.

"(Y/n)-san!" They squealed.

"I can't believe I'm this close to you."

"Yes, me too!"

"You look so gorgeous up close!"

They all spoke at the same time which made me understand only a few sentences. I smiled at them and asked, "What can I do for you?"

"A picture! A picture would do!" One of them answered.

"Well then," I said, spreading my arms to signify that I am asking them to come close to me.

They giggled and took their phones out, taking multiple pictures. Once they're done, it is now my turn to have a picture with them. I took my phone out, taking them by surprise just as they were about to leave. They immediately huddled close to me and smiled at the camera. Knowing me, I only take at least four photos with different smiles.

They eventually moved away and thanked me. They looked so happy and I'm as well, glad to make them happy.

I continued walking around and I passed two teens again, a boy and a girl. They are looking at me as they walk, and they were whispering to each other, nudging one another. I looked back at them as well and smiled. They did smile back. The moment we got close though, I heard them trying to push one another to talk to me. Finally, the girl gave up and spoke. "Hello, (y/n)-san," she says. I looked at her and see that her hair is neatly placed up in a high bun. She looks like a ballerina.

"Hello there, what's the matter?" I asked.

"W-we uhh..." she grabbed the arm of the boy and pulled him closer. "We're twins, and we're under training. We're not competing yet, but the two of us look up to you!"

"We watched your programs with Victor from before and they're so amazing," the boy agrees.

I smiled at them and pat their heads. "I'm glad you use us for inspiration. Is there anything I can do to make you happy?" I asked.

"For short, we're one of your biggest fans. We even have matching phone cases," the girl took her phone out and so did her twin.

The boy had Victor's violet costume designed on the case while the girl had my blue one. My jaw dropped in awe as I touched their phone cases. "They are so cute!" I say. They are somehow like twin goals or something.

Then the two of them removed their phone cases to reveal a paper stuck at the inner side of it. "We stuck a paper here so that if ever we could meet you and Victor, we'd ask you to sign them," The girl explained.

Well, that is very witty and cute. "Alright, I'd sign them," I said. The boy handed me a pen and I gladly took it, as well as their cases and signed on them. "The next time we meet, I'd have Victor sign those too. Right now, he is a bit busy with Yuuri's practice," I returned both the pen and the phone cases back to them.

I swear I could see sparkles in their eyes. "Thank you so much!" They said in unison. I chuckled and hugged the two of them. "You two practice and train hard, okay? I'd like to see you in the finals someday."

They looked up at me and gave me identical smiles. "We will!" They said. I eventually let them go. We bid our goodbyes and went on separate ways.

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