Chapter 55: Chinese Dinner

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The skies seem dark, but not dark enough for a storm or something. It is rather dark because of the snow. I stand by the door, beside my wonderful boyfriend, you all know who he is.

Dressed in another fabulous outfit: black turtle neck shirt, tucked in light gray skinny jeans, covered by a gray duffel coat to fight off the cold, black thigh-high boots, and a red pom pom hat, I feel excited to go out.

Makkachin barked behind us, getting our attention. We turned around to see him sitting on the floor, wagging his cute little tail.

I knelt down in front of him to pick him up in my arms. He seemed to have gained weight now that we're here. "Boy, you sure are heavy now!" I said as I kissed his nose. Victor walked closer to squish his cheeks.

"Makkachin, behave while we're gone, okay? Don't you dare steal any steamed buns," he said and hugged Makkachin, together with me.

"(Y/n), Victor, we're going to miss the flight!" Yuuri whined. I chuckled and bent down to let Makkachin down. He wagged his tail and playfully licked my hand. "I know, baby I'm going to miss you too," I said.

Yuuri, Victor, and I went outside towards the exit. Before we went out, we all looked back to our friends. "Okay, I'm off to Beijing," Yuuri said. Victor and I waved.

"We'll be rooting for you." Yuuri's mom said.

"Good luck, Yuuri!" The triplets happily cheered.

"I'll be right behind you!" Minako stepped forward.

We all thanked them for their support and then we made our way to the airport. We rode a taxi and it didn't take long. Before we knew it, we were already sitting on the plane.

"I haven't flown coach in a while. Want to get some champagne?" Victor asked Yuuri.

"Champagne sounds good," I agreed.

"Um, you guys, can I get some sleep?" Yuuri asked.

"I'm surprised you can sleep in such a cramped seat! You're just like (y/n)!" Victor said.

Victor and I sat on the row of chairs behind Yuuri. "Well, like coach, like student, I guess," I said as I leaned on the wall of the plane next to the window. I closed my eyes, trying to ignore Victor.

"Aw, don't tell me you're going to sleep already," he whined as he placed his head on my shoulder. He was bout to reach for my hand when I crossed my arms in front of my chest. "Yes. I am going to sleep throughout this three to four-hour plane trip. You should too. Are you not tired?" I replied.

Victor sighed and wrapped his arms around me. "You're no fun," he said. I'm sure he is also going to sleep. I moved my head to lean on him instead of the wall, then we both get carried to sleep.


We arrived at around noon. Reporters were already filming our arrival here in China. We just smiled at the cameras and went on to buy some food and eat.

Later on, we rode a taxi and headed towards the hotel we'll be staying in. A while later, we're now in the hotel getting ready to go to the rink. We've unpacked a few pieces of stuff and got changed.

I, of course, changed outfits. I now wear a black checkered sleeveless blouse and covered it with a white coat. Also some black skinny pants and black heeled boots.

"You guys ready?" I asked the boys. Yuuri looked at me and his eyes widened. "(Y/n), aren't you a bit... overdressed?" Yuuri asked.

"Oh shush, child. There is no such thing as that. Besides, it's okay to wear these, I'm not the one who is going to skate," I replied.

Victor stood up and walked towards me. "Whatever you wear, you still look beautiful to me," he said and kissed my cheek. "Let's go, Yuuri."


"How much power of love do you think you have?" One of the reporters asked.

"Huh? How much power of love do I have?" Yuuri ran his hand on his hair.

"Yuuri, let's go have hot pot already," Victor said.

I glared at Victor and pulled his hand that was holding mine. "He's in the middle of an interview!" I scolded.

I looked behind us and see Yakov come by. "Hey," I told Victor. He looked behind as well. "Oh, Yakov!" Victor said.

Yakov completely ignored him but that didn't stop Victor. Instead, Victor followed him. I groaned and facepalmed as I turn back to the cameras. I quickly apologized to everyone. I grabbed Yuuri's hand and we followed Victor.

We've reached Victor and Yakov, and hey, Georgi is also there. They turned around to look at Victor. Instead of giving Victor a warm smile or something, Yakov glared at him. It feels like we're about to get in a heated conversation.

"Listen, I feel sick when I see you playing pretend-coach. I'd prefer if you'd only talk to me when you're ready to plead for your return to skating. Got it?" Yakov said coldly.

But Victor remained cool and turned around instead. He grabbed my waist and began walking away. "Yakov's not interested. Let's go," he said.

I looked back as Victor dragged me to see Georgi mouthing the word sorry. I gave him a reassuring smile before looking forward again.

We went out of the rink to go explore and also look for someplace to eat. We stopped in front of a small store that has a lot of Chinese lamps hanging by the door. The three of us agreed to get in.

The inside really has a Chinese feel to it. A lot of things were red and there were intricate patterns on the walls and dividers. We sat in one of the booths that is a little bit enclosed for privacy.

Our orders were served instantly. "Look, (y/n), Yuuri! Shanghai crab! Drunken shrimp! Duck blood!" Victor named some of the things we've ordered. He tasted some of them and said "Vkusno!" happily.

Yuuri is sitting across Victor and me. "Huh? You're not eating the shrimp?" He asked Yuuri.

"It's right before the competition, so I want to avoid raw food," Yuuri answered.

"It's really good," I responded. We carried on eating but then Yuuri gave out a sigh. "I ran my mouth too much at the press conference," he said. "What will people say if I lose after all that?"

I opened my mouth and was about to answer when someone else intervened, "Oh, Yuuri?"

Yuuri looked at the person behind us with a shocked expression on his face. "Phichit-kun!" He said.

Victor and I turned around to look. "So this is where you were eating," he said as he walked closer.

"Hi!" I said cheerfully and gave the boy a bright smile. Victor waved his hand.

"Oh, hello," Phichit waved back at us. "But talk about a coincidence. Oh, can I invite Ciao Ciao?" He asked as he got his phone out from his pocket.

Yuuri sunk in his seat. "Huh? You want to see him, don't you?" Phichit asked.

"Not really..." Yuuri said but Phichit was already talking to Celestino, asking him to come.

After the phone call, I told Phichit to come sit with us and have some food as we wait for his coach.

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