Chapter 99: Hasetsu's Ocean

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There was a sea not far from the hotel we're staying in. That's where you'll find Victor and me this morning. I wore a short navy blue plaid dress with only a super oversized grey knit cardigan on top of it. To other people, they might say I'm dressing too thin for winter but that wasn't the case for me.

 To other people, they might say I'm dressing too thin for winter but that wasn't the case for me

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As I look over the horizon, Victor has his arm wrapped around me keeping me from the cold. His head rests atop my shoulder, his face nuzzles my neck and I can feel his hot breaths on the surface of my skin. I can feel the steady rhythm of his heart on my back as he tightens his embrace a little bit more when a sudden harsh blow of wind passes by.

There has been a number of times this morning wherein I told him to lift his head and watch the sunrise with me. I wanted him to let the beauty of the morning rays touch his face but he insisted saying that he'd rather feel my warmth than the sun's.

Slowly, I felt him lift his head. For once, I thought he'd face the horizon as well but I was wrong. He lifted his head a bit only to press a kiss on my neck. Unbeknownst to me, he was a little more than glad I decided not to wear a scarf today. It started there, at the base of my neck. Then he moved upward towards my jaw, leaving a trail of kisses on the exposed skin his lips passes by.

His lips tickled me a bit causing me to move my neck away but his firm embrace kept me in place. He continued to go upwards he reached my cheek. There, he pressed his lips longer than the ones he placed on my neck. Afterward, he settled with resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Are you ready?" He asked. I know full well about what he asks. It's about the plans after the Grand Prix. Whenever I think of that moment, no matter how I try to push down the worry, it still finds its way in my system.

I swallowed the small lump that formed in my throat. "I am," I replied. "A few days prior to our flight towards Barcelona, I went to our apartment in St. Petersburg. I got you your costume."

"I assume you've already mastered the program?" He asked.

"I did. Although..." I answered. I turned around to face him. His arms that were once wrapped tightly around me loosened a bit to allow me to turn. "We only ever practiced it together a few times. Do you think we can make it?" I looked at him with a small hint of worry in my eyes.

His lips curved up into a small smile. It was small but it was enough to ease the worry in me. He leaned in to press a kiss on my forehead. "I wasn't called Russia's Legend for no reason," he said. "And you," he held my chin between his thumb and index finger, leaning a bit more to press a soft kiss on my lips. "Weren't the Queen of the Rink for nothing, too."

My lips mirrored his as the feeling of anxiety slowly washed away. I placed my hand on the side of his face, my thumb brushed over his cheeks a few times. "While in Moscow, I had my favorite designer create a new costume for me; one that matches yours," I said. "Although I had her make it blue since that color has been my trademark ever since."

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