Chapter 105: A Never-ending Tale

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"Victor!" I gasped as Victor pressed me to the wall. Before I could protest, his lips attached to mine in a fierce but passionate kiss. He didn't even give my tongue a chance. His tongue explored my mouth as if touching a foreign object, when in fact, he knew my mouth not just by tongue but also by heart.

Small moans found their way out every time he pulls back for a short breath before diving in again, and every time he reangles his lips on mine. The kiss was heated enough to make me melt. Not just my heart, but also my legs. I felt them shiver and the fact that Victor has pressed one of his knees in between mine made my leg buckle. If it wasn't for his firm but gentle grip on my waist, I would've slipped down to the floor.

After a moment, he pulled back. I subconsciously let out a whine at the emptiness of my mouth. This time, he didn't lean in for another kiss but instead, he pressed his forehead on mine. "Sorry," he whispered. "I haven't been able to release last night's frustration that I took it out on you."

I raised a hand up and placed it on his cheek. I leaned forward a bit to peck his lips. "I don't mind," I said. Well, at least he was able to get some of it out of his system before the Finals tonight. Having been forgiven, Victor moved away and helped me stood properly.

I ran my hands down my wide fit moss green pants to smoothen it out in case it accidentally developed folds earlier. Victor ran his hands up and down my sleeved arm, feeling the plum fabric of my turtle neck. He stared at my body for a moment before his eyes met with mine. "I will do my best to stay as calm as I can throughout the whole event."


People were flooding the lobby of the arena as we made our way inside. I was holding Victor's hand to ensure that everything will be fine. Yuuri quickened his pace a bit so he wouldn't walk alongside us but in front of us. It is true that Yuuri has been distant from us today. It makes me anxious that the events last night would be in the way of his free skate today. If this is going to be his last season, I don't want it to end that way.

"Hi, Victor! A lovely evening to the gorgeous (y/n)!" A familiar voice greeted. I turned my head to see the news anchor, Stéphane. "Hi, Stéphane. It's been a while," I said as I waved at the camera. "People of Japan, please continue to cheer for Yuuri today," Victor said. With that, we carried on walking.

It seems that neither Yuuri nor Victor has the energy everyone expects. I have to admit I feel a little depleted too. The two boys already are so how much more if I do too? It might make the rest glum too and this is supposed to be a big day; one of the major events in a skater's career.

In no time, we found a promising spot to stay on while we waited for Yuuri's turn. He is to perform third, after JJ and Phichit. The Grand Prix officially began before we knew it. Due to the fact that silence engulfed the three of us, I was able to focus on the commentating that echoed through the hallway where we stood.

As I listened to the commentating, I couldn't help but think about JJ and Phichit. Their battles will continue for years after this Grand Prix Final. No tale is more compelling than one that never ends. As Phichit's free skate came to an end, my mind suddenly drifted to the past eight months we've been with Yuuri. 

"Please be my coach until I retire!"

"Let's win gold together at the Grand Prix Final."

His words echoed through my mind as we made our way into the innermost part of the arena. Victor and I pushed the curtains open for Yuuri. A couple or three cameramen turned our way. As the two men ignored and went their way, I gave a small smile at them before walking after the boys.

Yuuri got in the rink and as usual, Vicor and I stood in front of him, only the rink's edge separating us. Yuuri had his hands on the edge as he bent down to stretch. "Don't worry. You can win gold, Yuuri," Victor calmly said. 

"Believe in yourself," I added as I reached out for one of Yuuri's hands. 

 "Hey, Victor, (y/n)," Yuuri spoke. "You both said last night that you want to stay true to yourselves, right? Don't suddenly start trying to sound like a coach now."

His statement made both Victor and I gasp. I thought of retracting my hand because of the thought that he might be tired of it all but instead, Yuuri held it. "I want to smile for my last time on the ice," he said. He had his head down afterward.

At those words, the calm demeanor that I was able to put up until now broke in an instance. I felt my eyes began to water again. Victor placed his hand on top of Yuuri and I's hands that were holding each other. Victor slowly leaned forward so that his face would align with Yuuri's. 

"Yuri, listen to me. I debated whether I should tell you this now, but..." he said. "I took a break after becoming the five-time world champion to coach you, so how is it possible that you still haven't won a single gold medal?"

Yuuri immediately looked up at Victor. He glanced at me before looking back at Victor. For the first time since last night, his eyes gleamed. It glowed that of blinding light. "How much are you going to stay in warm-up mode?" Victor asked. 

He placed an arm over my shoulder and the other one, he placed around Yuuri. He pulled the two of us into a group hug. "The only other thing I like to kiss except for (y/n) is a gold medal," he said. I chuckled at his comment. It was a little uncalled for and a bit unnecessary but I was glad he said it anyway. It really brightened up the three of us.

When Victor pulled away, Yuuri smiled at the both of us before throwing his arms around me into another embrace. When he pulled away, he turned to hug Victor too. And then after hugging the both of us separately, he pulled Victor and me once more for another group hug. As I placed my arms around his waist, I heard him sob.

"What's going on?" The commentator interrupted. "Skater Katsuki looks like he might be crying." Of all times he could interrupt, why now? I couldn't care less anyway.

As the three of us pulled away, I placed the my hands on Yuuri's face, cupping his cheeks in my hands. I gave him a gentle smile; a warm one that I hope reached his core. With that, I let go, and the next thing I knew, Yuuri skates to the heart of the rink. He was welcomed with warm applause from the audience.

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