Chapter 76: Warmth of a Home

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The door of Dominik's room slowly opened. He poked his sleepyhead out and said, "Mom, can you turn it down a bit?" 

"Donik you sleepyhead, come out here! Your sister's home," mom replied.

"Sister..." he said as he let mom's word sink down on him. "Okay... Wait what?!" He rubbed his eyes and went out of his room. He looked at me wide-eyed. "Sis!" He exclaimed as he ran towards me. He hugged my sitting figure on the couch. "Dominik!" I exclaimed. "I miss you too but get off, you're heavy!"

"Oh, sorry," he chuckled before getting off and sitting beside me. "You're still as ugly as ever!"

I rolled my eyes at him. "You're uglier," I said. "And adopted." I held back a laugh as I said that last part.

"You're the adopted one here!" He replied.

Mom rubbed her temples as she watched us. "Oh how the times have changed but you two didn't," she said and smiled at us. The three of us sat there catching up with each other as we wait for dad to get up.

"Hey, mom. Did you know? Donik here broke into my apartment when he went to St. Petersburg," I told mom.

"It isn't your apartment, it's Victor's," Donik said.

"Hey, we both pay for it!" I replied. "You were just too broke to get yourself a hotel at that time."

"Who're you calling broke? You must be referring to yourself," He jokingly spat.

"You know, the two of you were always like that even with family gatherings. Your uncles and aunts couldn't determine if you two are just joking around or really arguing," mom said.

Dominik and I laughed. I playfully slapped his arm for laughing at the same time as me. "Copycat!" I said in between laughs. "Copycat your face!" He replied.

Once our laughter has died down, mom spoke. "Speaking of Victor, when do the two of you plan on getting married?" She asked.

The question took me by surprise although it is not unexpected that she'll ask me this. It seems like a lot of people are asking about it nowadays. "Yea, sis. You've been dating for like, six years? Hurry up, I can't wait to be the best man," Donik said.

"Who said you'll be best man?" I replied. 

"Who's going to get married to who?" A voice from upstairs said. It was followed by the sound of footsteps descending the stairs. I looked up to see dad walking down. "Dad!" I stood up and walked towards the bottom of the stairs to meet him. 

Once he was completely downstairs he engulfed me in a big hug. He chuckled in his deep voice, "Oh, (y/n)! I missed you so much." I've always been a daddy's girl. "I missed you too, dad!" I said.

We let go and headed back to the couch. This time, mom moved to the other one so she and dad could sit there together while I sit with Donik. "Now that everyone's here," I began and motioned for Donik to give me the suitcase beside him. He did as told and gave me the suitcase. "I got some presents for y'all!" I said as I opened the bag.

"So thoughtful of you," Donik said with fake sarcasm.

"Don't worry, I didn't get you anything," I said and stuck my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes at me in return. I looked at my parents and saw that dad's arm is wrapped around mom. I can't help but smile to myself. I'm happy that after all this time, they're still in love with each other.

I took out the two bags of matcha. "This one's for you, dad, since you love drinking tea!" I said as I hand it over to mom who gave it to dad. "Wow! This is perfect!" He said. "I'll be making some now. This is perfect for the mornings!" He stood to make his way into the kitchen. 

"Wait, dad!" I said. He stopped and looked back at me. I took out the green box of chocolates and placed it on the center table. "That looks interesting," mom said. I carefully opened the box revealing the green squares of chocolate. "What's that?" Dad asked.

"This is an aromatic confection made with white chocolate, fresh cream, green tea, and a slight hint of brandy. It contains liquor," I said. I said it exactly the same way that lady said it back in Japan. "The sales lady told me it's best eaten together with the tea."

"Ohoho, interesting," dad said. "But it's too early for that." He made his way towards the kitchen to make some tea.

I looked into the suitcase once again to look for the fans. When I finally found it, I took it out and showed my mom. "These are for you, mom," I said as I gave it to her. 

"Oh, what are these?" She asked as she inspected the cloth bag the fan is in. "Open it," I said. She did as told and took the fan out. She opened it revealing the cherry blossom design. "Wow, this is lovely!" She said. I smiled, "There's another one, I bought you two."

She checked the other one as well and she smiled. "You do know I love flowers," she said. "Here's one fact," I replied. "Those cherry blossom designs signify parents' love that's why I chose it, also considering the fact you like flowers."

"Thank you, dear!" She said as she motioned for me to come closer. I stood off and walked towards her. She gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Where's mine?" Donik asked as I sat back beside him.

"I told you I didn't get you any," I said and crossed my hands over my chest. Donik pouted and it made me laugh. "Just kidding," I said. I once again reached in the suitcase and took out the bottle of sake. It is placed in a wine gift bag. I handed it over to him.

Donik gladly took it and peeked inside. "Is this what I think it is?" He asked. He slowly pulled the bottle out and smiled as he looked at it. "Sweet! I wanted to try one of these! How did you know?" He asked.

"Drink in moderation you little piece of potato," I said. "It was actually Victor who chose that. I didn't know what you'll like so I told Victor to help me and he got you that. He said, 'Dominik's a man now, and any fine man would not turn this down,'"

"I don't drink often, only occasionally. What do you think of me? A drunkard?" He said. "But thanks anyway, sis. I like it"

"Well, you look like a drunkard," I replied.

"What did you say?" He asked.

"I said you're handsome."

"You don't have to state the obvious," he said and winked at me. I just rolled my eyes at him. "This guy, I swear. I hate him yet I love him so much," I thought. That's the summary of our siblingship.

"Have some tea first, everyone," dad said as he placed a tray with four cups on it on the table. "Thanks, dad," I said as I grabbed one. The four of us caught up with each other as we drink the matcha I brought. Now, this is what I'm talking about: some quality time together with the family. 

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