Chapter 39: Shape Sorter

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I've reached Hasetsu in an instant. I've parked my bike and walked up the stairs to the entrance. I pushed the glass door open, making the chimes overhead jingle. A head peeked up from the counter. It was one of Yuuko's triplets.

The girl's brown hair is placed up in a bun by a light blue hair tie, which means, this little lady behind the counter is Lutz. Hopefully, my intuition is correct so I won't embarrass myself.

I walked towards the counter to ask. "Hello, Lutz! Have you seen Yuuri?" I asked as I placed my arms on the counter. I leaned forward to have a better look at the girl.

"Yuuri-san came in early today! He is now practicing in the rink." She answered. I smiled and reached my hand out to pat her head. "Thank you!"

I then walked towards the rink. Yuuri is already on the rink practicing some jumps. He fails most of the time but he stands up again and does it again. I stood there by the door for a while, observing him.

"You're pretty fired up today," I said as I walk towards the bench beside. Yuuri stopped and looked at me. "Oh (y/n), hello," he said. He skated towards the side where I sat.

I pulled my skates out and wore them. "I have good news," Yuuri said. I looked up at him and raised my brows as if asking what the news was. I looked back down at my skates, tying them.

"She's going to redo the music," he said. I looked back up at Yuuri and smiled. "Really? That's great! I look forward to it!" I stood and looked down on my skates, making sure the knots are not losing.

"Until she's done, um..." Yuuri started. I looked at him and he has a small blush on his cheeks. He looked down a bit but looked back at me. "Please teach me all the jumps that you can do!" He finished.

The thought that Yuuri is now determined, and is about to feel confident in his music makes me happy. I smiled at him and said, "It would be my pleasure to teach you."

I went inside the rink and skated around. I took in a deep breath and faced Yuuri. "Okay, let's start with the easier ones," I said.

I did the jumps first and asked Yuuri to do them as well based on how he saw it and proceeded to tell him details about it. We went on like that, doing different jumps.

Hours later, we took a small break. I checked the time and it's almost lunch. Victor hasn't arrived yet. Yuuri sat beside me, drinking from his water bottle. His forehead is sweaty, and he looks like he's taking a bath in sweat. I look like one too.

Where is Victor? "Yuuri, you go practice doing the jumps ahead, I'll just call Victor," I stood and walked outside.

I dialed Victor's number and placed the phone close to my ear.


"Victor, where are you?"

"Oh, hi there, love."

"I love you too, but look at the time!"

"Hmm, I'd be there an hour or so after lunchtime."


"Some things I need to do."

"I see... See you then."

"See you too."

I ended the call and made my way back in the rink to continue the training. Yuuri is still sitting on the bench. Suddenly, my stomach growled. Luckily it wasn't too loud to be heard by Yuuri. "Why don't we eat lunch first?" I asked as I walk towards him.

Yuuri looked up at me, "That would be nice." He stood and placed his water bottle on the table. I sat down to remove my skates. "Victor won't be here til after lunch."

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