Chapter 22: Queen's Eros

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"Hurry, Victor!" I said as we ran up the stairs of Ice Castle. Some strands of hair fell out of my french braid making it a little messy.

I greeted Yuuko before going to the rink. Victor slammed the door open. "Sorry, we're late!"

Yuuri was kneeling on the floor. He quickly stood when he saw us. "Huh?" Victor asked.

"What were you practicing just now?" I asked.

"I'm gonna check my choreography," Yuuri said and skated away from Yurio.

I smiled before standing next to Victor. It seems like they were teaching each other. It's nice seeing them get together.

"Yurio, get prepared. Show us your Agape," I said.

Yurio nodded. Yuuri stepped out of the ice to watch him as well.

"He finally found it," I said. "His agape."

"Maybe he's ready for the next stage," Victor added.


I turned around to see Yuuko standing next to a guy.

"Yes?" I asked.

"H-hello! I will be the commentator for tomorrow's contest. May I ask a few questions?" The guy said.

I looked at Victor. He stared at the guy for a minute before nodding. I nodded back and walked towards the man. "Sure."

We followed Yuuko towards some tables near the counter. The guy and I sat on opposite sides of it. He took out a pen and paper.

"What will the two Yuris skate to?"

"Katsuki will be skating to On Love: Eros and Plisetsky will skate to On Love: Agape. Both programs were choreographed by Victor and me."

"Can you tell something about Yuri Plisetsky's program?"

"Yuri's first jump is a triple axel. Yuri is prohibited from performing quadruples in competition but there's some in the second half. A quadruple salchow followed by a triple toe loop, to be exact. His final jump is a quadruple toe loop. And the last element is his signature move, the combination spin."

"What do you expect for Yuri Plisetsky this coming season?"

"Well, there's a lot to look forward to. He is very determined to win so he will use different jumps and combinations and there might even be surprises."

"What can you say about Yuuri Katsuki's program?"

"Yuuri will be skating to eros. Eros means sexual love. I don't think Yuuri had something like that before. He has some difficulties expressing "eros".

"What is eros to you?"

"For me, it's what causes you to lose the ability to make normal decisions."

"What is eros to Yuuri?"

"Pork cutlet bowl. He said it's what causes him to lose the ability to make normal decisions."

"What did you do to make him express it?"

"I talked to him, I motivated him, I skated with him, gave him lectures and advice."

The guy asked a few more questions then thanked me afterward. I nodded and returned to the rink.

Yuuri and Yurio practiced all day. I helped them polish their performances and motivated them.

"Yuuri, you need to express your eros more. Think about the story you thought. A playboy seducing the most beautiful woman in town," I said.

"B-being a playboy isn't me."

I hummed and placed my index finger on my chin. Eros isn't really for Yuuri in the first place but experiencing new things is great.

"If you can't be the playboy, be the most beautiful woman that enthralls men."

Yuuri's eyes widened. "Good thinking, (y/n)! Be the opposite of what people expect," I told myself mentally.

"(Y-y/n). Can you skate Eros?" Yuuri asked.

My eyes widened at Yuuri's request. Why not show him how it's done? I'm his coach anyway.

"Okay, then," I said. I skated towards the center of the rink. Yuuri stepped out and plugged the speakers.

It's been long since I've had an audience watch me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The queen of the rink will now skate. I opened my eyes and nodded towards Yuuri. He played music.

I started to move. Eros is a type of love. Sexual love. It's a pleasure.

Just like the queen I am, I express every bit of emotion I have. Every bit of feeling I can show.

I often create stories and imagine myself as one of the characters when I skate. I am going to use Yuuri's story but with a twist.

The most beautiful woman in town seducing men and turning them down. Being an ice shard that breaks a man's heart.

I am the most beautiful woman in the town. The woman no men had ever rejected. One step outside and all eyes are on me.

To seduce men, you have to move seductively. Sway your hips. LIft your face. Move with grace.

The music continued and I kept the story in my mind, playing it repeatedly. Following every turn of the music and giving it all.

Once my performance ended. A clap was heard. "Amazing, (y/n)! Like always," Yurio commented.

I heard a whistle and looked at Victor. He has a smirk on his face as he claps. "That's my girl."

Yuuri's jaw dropped. "Wow!"

I walked towards Yuuri. "You can do it," I said with a smile.

There was a minute of silence before I blurted out. "I'm hungry."

"Then let's go back to Yu-Topia," Victor said. We all nodded. We asked Yuuri and Yurio to go before us because we cleaned before we left. For a moment, I feel something's missing but I shook it off.

I wonder how I look with a costume when I skated Eros. Would I look cute or sed—that's it!

"Victor, how about their costumes?" I asked.

"Oh," Victor said, stopping in his tracks. "I'll have all my costumes sent here."

"I'll call Sandra and asked her to do it."

"Thank you," Victor said and we continued to walk.

I took my phone out and called Sandra.

"Helllooo, (y/n)!"

"Hey, Sandra. Can I ask you a favor?"

"Yeah, sure. Anything for my best friend."

"Can you send all of Victor's costumes here?"


"Yes, all."

"Hmm, okay then."

"Thank you very much, Sandra."

"No problem, (y/n)!"

I ended the call. I'm happy to have a friend like Sandra. She'll always be there.

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