Chapter 83: In Spirits

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The three of us rushed back into the hotel. Thankfully, Donik brought his car and we were able to get to the hotel in no time. Sandra was supposed to be with us on the way to the hotel but she insisted on staying in the arena with my parents until Donik comes back for them.

On the way to the hotel, I told Donik what happened and apologized that I won't be able to watch tomorrow's free skate with them.  Supposedly, tomorrow, I would watch Yuuri from afar, beside my family, but due to an unexpected change of plans, I wouldn't be able to do so.

I helped Victor prepare for all of his stuff since he wouldn't be back here anymore. He will just have to meet Yuuri at the airport once tomorrow's free skate is finished. I told Yuuri to rest and let the helping of Victor to me but he insisted saying that we will get done faster with his help.

In no time, there wasn't any trace of Victor's garments left in the room. "Victor, hurry and change your clothes," I said. He did as told and immediately, we found ourselves by the lobby of the hotel, sending Victor off. "Ask (y/n) anything you don't understand," Victor said. He walked towards Yuuri and embraced him. "Sorry, Yuuri," he said. "Even if I'm not here, I'll always be with you in spirit."

Victor let go and gave Yuuri one last pat on the shoulder before turning to me. "Take care of Yuuri, okay? And yourself, too," he said as he wrapped me in an embrace. "I wouldn't see you in a while, I'm going to miss you."

Right, I wouldn't be with Yuuri back to Japan. Victor and I will only meet at the Grand Prix Finals if Yuuri secures a place. "Take care, too. I love you," I said. Victor slowly unwrapped his arms around me then kissed me. The kiss felt loving but sad in knowing that we will be apart for a while. We've always been together that's why it could be quite difficult to be apart, but I'll be okay. We'll be okay, and Makkachin will be too.

We let go and made our way out of the hotel. Donik's car is parked just in front of the hotel. He was kind enough to insist on giving Victor a ride to the airport. Yuuri and I waved our hands as Victor got in the car and they drove off, disappearing into the night.

The walk back to our room was silent. Neither Yuuri nor I didn't bother talking. I decided to speak and eventually break the silence once we've reached the room. "Rest well tonight, Yuuri. We've got a long day tomorrow," I said. I accompanied Yuuri into his bedroom to put him off to sleep.

I can feel his feeling of uneasiness in the air. Instead of going out and sleeping myself, I decided to stay a little longer to talk to him. "Tell me about it," I said, taking a seat at the end of his bed.

Yuuri gave off a sigh before speaking. "I don't want them to think everything you and Victor taught me has been a waste. I have to prove that by winning. If I fail here, everything is over."

I kept silent as I urged him to continue. I'm all ears.

"How did you two knew how I felt? Until both of you came into my life, I could never openly say that I'd win gold, but I never skated with the thought in my mind that I'd lose anyway. Truthfully, I wanted to win gold at last year's Grand Prix Final, too," he continued, pausing for a while.

"I was able to come this far because you believed in me. If I end here without making the Grand Prix Final..." he stopped mid-sentence. 

I moved closer and embraced him. Before I could speak, he immediately stopped me, "You don't have to say anything, (y/n). You've already done a lot for me; more than I can count. Thank you for listening to me tonight. I don't want to think of it anymore on tomorrow's free skate. I'm glad I've released it."

I unwrapped my arms from around him and smiled at him. "You'll get to the Grand Prix. We'll get there. You're the best student a coach could ever wish for," I said. I stood up and walked towards the door. "Goodnight, Yuuri," I said before going out and heading towards the room that Victor and I share, but now that he's not here, it's only mine.

Quickly, I changed into my sleepwear and immediately laid on the bed. I laid sideways and stared at the empty space beside me. I hope he's okay. Tomorrow will be hard without him but with or without him, I'll be with Yuuri.


"Yuuri, breakfast is ready!" I said as I barged in Yuuri's room without having care of what he's doing right now. I'm feeling full of energy today. I don't want to be feeling down on today's free skate and I'm sure that isn't what Victor wants, too.

Yuuri was now dressed and is on his way out when I got in. He got up pretty early today too and I can sense that he's got the same vibe with me today. "What's for breakfast?" He asked.

"I ordered some breakfast meals from a nearby fast food and the food has arrived now," I answered. "Come out when you're ready."

I closed Yuuri's door and headed towards the kitchen wherein I unpacked the delivered foods. Not long after, Yuuri got out of his room and we ate breakfast together. We had a small talk while eating and we mostly talked about positive things. There's no room for negativity today. Not today, bad vibes. Not today.

After breakfast, Yuuri and I went on to prepare for the day. I stayed with him at the hotel for the whole day since the men's free skate's going to take place later at night.


I went back to my room to change clothes. Today, I'll be wearing a black cardigan tucked in a light blue accordion skirt and a pair of black boots. I'll only be bringing a black clutch bag today, as well.

Once all were ready, Yuuri and I made our way to the arena. Once we've arrived, Yuuri and I quickly went inside the rink area for the final instructions. Sooner or later, the people are going to notice that Victor is not here and would soon approach us to ask questions so it's better to stay behind the shadows for a while.

All of the other skates were already by the rink side. It seems like we were last to arrive. Yuuri and I walked towards them and as soon as all the skaters and coaches were together, the instructions were given. Since Yuuri fell second place yesterday, he'd be the second to the last performer for today.

"Do you wanna go outside or shall we stay here?" I asked Yuuri the moment the skaters went separate ways. "Let's go outside," Yuuri replied.

We went out and looked for a place in which we can stay before Yuuri's turn. There was a vacant room that has a television on it so we chose to stay there. It is quite convenient because we'll be able to watch the other's performances while Yuuri warms up.

The first three; Emil, Michele, and Seung GIl finished without me even noticing it. Part of my mind flies back to Japan and wonders if Victor has landed there and if Makkachin is okay, while another part strives to pull my attention back to the current event. I'm also thinking of a way for Yuuri to surpass either Yuri or JJ because he's in a tight spot between those two.

"(Y/n)," Yuuri called my name which completely took me back to reality. The room we're in is a small room with a couch and a television beside the door. Yuuri does some stretches by the doorway as he watches from the tv. I hummed in response and walked towards him.

"I still can't believe I surpassed Yurio on yesterday's short program, but I'm sure he wouldn't let that happen again today," Yuuri said. "What do you think will he do?"

Good question. Knowing Yuri, he wouldn't let anyone be in the way of him getting gold. "From previous competitions with him, on times like this, he'd usually change his jump compositions during the last minutes before he performs," I said. That kid probably got it from me. Whenever I'd get in tough spots between two great skaters, I'd make last-minute changes to my program which both Yakov and the audiences do not expect. 

"But decisions like those come with a catch. Often the changes done to the program are risky," I added. "It will be the only way to surpass others."

"Although Seung Gil Lee recovered after a fall on his early quadruple loop, he suffered a huge loss in the standings and lost hope of advancing to the Grand Prix Final," the commentator said. I looked towards the tv and see Seung Gil leaving the kiss and cry even before his interview is finished. Not long after, he passes by the room Yuuri and I are in. He had his head down and I wasn't able to clearly see his face because Yuuri is standing in front of me. But after glancing at Seung Gil, Yuuri quickly looked away. He must've felt really bad for the guy.

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