Chapter 73: Quadruple Axel

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Victor and I kissed one last time before I went into the rink. Roars of applauds filled the entirety of the venue as the commentator spoke out, "Last but definitely not the least, we have from Russia..." By the time he was about to say my name, I've reached the center of the rink. "(Y/n) (L/n)!"

I waved to the crowd before holding out my first position. The cheers have died down as the people wait in anticipation for my program. As soon as the music began, I did too. The jumps and spins included in my program were successfully executed. Every time all the jumps were landed, the audience would applause.

"This is what they should applaud too," I thought as I prepare myself for the quad axel. I gathered all the momentum physics had to offer as I jumped and lifted myself up in the air. The moment my feet left the ground is the moment time seemed to have slowed down on me. My mind couldn't fathom what is to happen next.

My jumps are only of a certain height enough for only three rotations. If I could jump higher, squeezing in another rotation would be much easier. But a higher jump meant landing with a much greater force. But that wasn't the case for me.

A skater's moment in the air is very very fast. For this axel to be a quadruple, I must be able to revolve four and a half times. My triple axel is great and very clean, I told myself it wouldn't be too hard to insert one more rotation to make it quadruple. I did my best to fight inertia so I could contract my body in order to spin faster. 

On last year's Grand Prix, I was able to do Quadruple Jump earning me the gold. I can do this one too. "1... 2... 3... 4...," I counted the rotations I've made in my mind. "And last one..." I thought as I rotated half one more time before landing down with a force more than seven times greater than my weight. 

I was able to execute it properly but doing so had a consequence. As my right foot met the ice, there was a pain that went through from my ankle up towards my knee. Keeping the balance was extremely difficult but luckily, I was able to put my left foot down in time before I lose balance. "A quadruple axel!" The commentator exclaimed and it was followed by the loud screams of the audience. 

I stood there for a second before carrying on my program. My right leg is in pain but it was somehow bearable. As long as I can still move, I will move. I focused on the loud cheers of the audience in order to ignore the pain throbbing on my right leg and to keep calm myself down.

I went to the center of the rink for the final spin. This time, the pain intensified a bit and I felt tears brimming on my eyes. "One last spin, hold it for a little more, (y/n)," I told myself. I used my left leg as the base of the sit spin. I stood from the spin and eventually placed my right foot down to stop and raised my arms up in the air and looked up as I close my eyes to the blinding lights and deafening cheers of the audience.

My heart was beating violently and my chest rose up and down at a great speed. "The first-ever skater  to land a quadruple axel in competition, ladies and gentlemen, we have (Y/n) (L/n)!" The commentator said and the screams that I didn't expect would further become louder did. "Truly, she is the Queen of the Rink!"

Once I regained my energy, I carefully skated out of the rink where Victor was waiting for me. I soon as I got near him, I threw myself in his open arms and embraced him very very tightly. I buried my face on his chest as a few tears silently rolled down my cheeks. "(Y/n) that was wonderful! You are very amazing!" Victor exclaimed as his arms tightened around me.

We eventually let go and he leads me into the kiss and cry where Yakov was waiting for me. As I walk, the pain in my right leg never disappeared but it was bearable. As I sat beside Yakov, he placed his arm around my shoulder and ruffled my hair. "You are a legend! Your name will now be written in history!" He said. Although Yakov is not very expressive with his happy emotion, I can hear it in his voice.

We sat there for a few moments when the scores were released. "For (y/n) (l/n), the score is..." The room fell silent as everyone waited in anticipation. "...238.69!" Cheers have once again erupted. I was sitting in between Victor and Yakov and as soon as the score was said, they both threw themselves into me for a hug. "This is the highest total score ever achieved by a female skater! (Y/n) continues to break records!"


On our way home, I requested for Victor and me to be in a separate car. I will take this moment to tell him about what happened in the rink. Victor held the car's door open for me as I went inside. He followed after, slamming the door shut after getting in. Before I could speak, he crashed his lips into mine with so much force that my body was pushed down into the seat. 

Before I knew it, his tongue was in my mouth and it was exploring everything it could reach. I decided to let things be and let him have the kiss his own way. He sure missed me and I know that he is very happy right now, this is the only way he knows how to express it. 

I softly moaned into the kiss because it felt so good. So good that the pain in my leg seemed to momentarily disappear. Victor was on top of me and he broke the kiss for a short while to catch his breath and attached it to my lips once again. His hand found it's way into my hair and ruffled it a bit as he deepens the kiss while his other hand is pressed hard on the space beside my waist in order to keep balance.

After a while, he broke the kiss and buried his face on my neck as I felt his body fell on top of me. He turned his head so that his mouth is in front of my ear. "That was amazing," I could feel the smirk on his lips. "But more than that, you were amazing. You were so beautiful back there on the ice. You had the breath out of me during your whole performance."

"So that's why you're getting back on me now, getting my breath using the kiss," I replied. Victor slowly sat himself up and I did the same. "Maybe," he replied with that mischievous smirk of him. I smirked back and replied, "Good thing the driver isn't here yet."

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