Chapter 13: First Encounter

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*Kriing!! Kriing!! Kriing!!

I groaned and sat up. Okay, these phone calls are becoming my alarm clock now. I reached for my phone and answered the call, not even bothering to know who it was.


"Hey, sis."

My eyes widened by the manly voice and 'sis'? I quickly stood and ran out of the room.

"Dominik is that you?!"

"Hahahaha! Hi, sis."

"Oh my gosh! It's been long! How have you been?"

"I'm okay, sis. A bit busy with work. How about you? I saw pictures of Victor and you, popping around the internet in Hasetsu. At first, I didn't believe that you and Victor would coach Yuuri."

"I'm okay as well! But, how did you get my number? I changed it before going to Japan. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you. Things happened so fast."

"It's okay, sis. I got it from Sandra. I went to St. Petersburg to visit you and verify if the rumors were true but you weren't there. Instead, I came across Sandra so I asked her about you."

"Oh, Donik! I'm sorry you still have to go to St. Petersburg to know the truth. I am sorry. I know you still have work and stuff."

"Hahahha, it's okay, sis."

"How's mom and dad?"

"They're okay as well. They asked me to go to St. Petersburg."

"Oh, I miss you all! I'll visit when we return. Are you still in St. Petersburg?"

"Yes. I can't wait to see you, sis."

"I can't wait to see you too. Where are you staying?"

"In your apartment. Hahahaha! Sorry for intruding. I got the keys from Sandra."

"Donik, it's okay. Hahahha! You should stay there than in some hotels. How long will you be there?"

"A week. It's my third day now."

"How about work?"

"Boss told me to work in the other branch of our company here."

"That's great. At least you still get to work and stuff."

"Yea. Well, I have to go now."

"Okay then. Take care always. I love you!"

"Thanks. You too, sis! I love you too!"

And with that, the call had ended. The call from Donik already made my day. I'm happy to see my brother growing.

Dominik is five years younger than me. He's currently 22 years old and he works at a famous company.

I looked at my phone to check the time. It's 1:00. I'll go prepare now. I went back inside the room. I placed my phone next to Victor's and got myself some clothes.

I went downstairs and took a bath. It's good to be early today since reporters and fans might pile up.

I got myself a nice bath and got dressed. I wore my gray leggings, gray sports bra and I covered it with my pink sweater that covers my hands as well. I closed it halfway. I like that sweater because it gives me the feeling that I'm wearing fingerless gloves.

I went back upstairs to our room. Victor was still asleep. I took my phone and checked the time. It's 2:00. Sandra might call again.

I walked out and went to the bridge. It's nice to have some alone time every once in a while. I stood there, admiring the view.

I reminisced past events like the first time I first stepped on the ice.

I was two years old when my parents took me to a rink. I just skated around, with the help of my parents guiding me around.

At three, I started taking skating classes at an ice arena in Moscow.

At five, I started to learn complex figure skating techniques and mastered them at six.

At seven, my classmates at the ice arena and I had a field trip to St. Petersburg. That is where I met Victor.

"Wow!" My classmates and I said as we looked around St. Petersburg.

"Miss, how long until we get to the rink?" I raised my hand and asked our teacher.

"Oh, (y/n). You're very excited. Just a few more minutes and we'll be there," she replied.

"Yay!" I said and jumped up and down with my arms raised. I ran to my parents and my 2-year-old brother.

A few minutes later the bus stopped. "We're here!" Our teacher said. We carried our little backpacks and ran out once the bus' door opened.

We went inside and waited by the counter. Our teacher talked to the woman behind it and finally let us in.

We all shouted "Yay!" as we entered. We placed our bags down and wore out skates. Our parents stayed beside the rink, watching us.

"Goodbye, Dominik! I'm going to skate for a while!" I told my brother and hugged him. He followed me so I have to carry him back to our parents.

I entered the rink and skated around. There were also children skating from this place.

"Kids!" Our teacher called out. We all skated in front of her. "Okay, so today I want you to be friends with the children here and skate with them. The owner of this rink is the same person that owns our rink in Moscow," she said.

We skated around, talking to the others. Then somebody tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw a boy around my age with shoulder-length gray hair tied to a ponytail and has blue eyes.

"Hi! I'm Victor Nikiforov! Would you mind skating with me?" He said as he offered me his hands.

"I'm (f/n)(l/n). Sure, why not? Skate with me!" I said and took both of his hands.

We skated around but unlike the others, we did jumps together. Our bodies were synchronized with each other.

That is when our teachers saw potential in us and made us partners. My family stayed at St. Petersburg so Victor and I can practice together
*End of flashback...

*Kriing!! Kriing!! Kriing!!

Finally! My long-awaited call has arrived. I took my phone out and answered it.


"Hey, (y/n)! Did you get a call from Dominik?"

"Ahh yes."

"Dominik is a man now. I didn't even recognize him."

"Yea, hahahhaha!"

"Anyways, Victor and you looked nice in those photos! So sweet!"

"Hahahahaha! Victor dragged me around and we took pictures. But I only posted one."

"Aww. I'm sure reporters will gather around your rink later."

"Yea, that's what I've been thinking about. Maybe Yuuri will jog on his own today."

I heard other people talk to Sandra. "Okay, I'll be right there," she said before picking up the call again.

"Hey, (y/n)."

"Who were those?"

"My parents. They told me to go buy groceries hahahah! Talk to you later."

"Ok, hahahah! Bye."

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