Chapter 44: Adrenaline Rush

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My eyes fluttered open and I stared at the ceiling. My eyes are adjusting to the bright light that fills the room. It certainly is a lot later than the usual times I wake up. My mind goes back through the events last night.

Yuuri was surprised, a small presentation from the girls, some talk about the past finals, and food. Lots and lots of food. Delicious ones. And of course, there was alcohol. I'm not really into alcohol which is why I only had very few shots last night.

A scene flashed back wherein I stopped Victor from drinking too much since training is still ongoing and we don't want to ruin our morning schedule. I tried to sit up but there is an arm holding me down on my waist.

I reached the table beside and placed my hand above it, feeling my phone. I moved it around a few times before my hand met the cold surface of my phone. I took it and raised it in front of my face, turning it on.

Just in time, I may say even though there was some alcohol last night. I placed my phone down and turned around to face Victor. His sleeping face looks as handsome as ever. Some of his hair falls onto his face. I reached out and moved them aside to adore his beauty.

"Hey," I gently say. I ran my hand through his hair and kissed his forehead, "Wake up."

I received a groan in response. Victor removed his arm around me and rubbed his eyes. "What time is it?" He asked. "Time for us to get up and do some training! I'm getting fired up!" I clapped my hands together and kicked the blanket away from me like a kid. I sat and was about to get out of bed when Victor pulled my waist back.

My back hit the soft mattress of the bed. "Oof!" I said in surprise. Victor moved his face closer to mine and kissed my cheek. Of course, being the usual me, I blushed. Like I always say, he never fails to make my heart jump in joy.

"Let us gooo!" I whined and removed his arm from my waist. "Did you go back downstairs drinking when I slept?"

Victor's eyes fluttered open and stared into mine. "I just wanna stay here with you," he answered.

"Aww but we're almost always together," I replied. I kissed his cheek and got out of bed. Victor sighed and got up as well. The morning went on and now let's go to that part where Yuuri, Victor and I were all jogging towards Hasetsu and now, Yuuri is about to show us his program.

He stood at the center of the rink while I stood with Victor over one side. The music began and so did Yuuri. Every day, this became our routine. The three of us would jog around the blocks til we reach Hasetsu. Yuuri would skate his program again and again to master it.

Victor and I also do our best. There are even times the two of us would unknowingly raise our voices at Yuuri. We make sure there are no holes and uncertainty in Yuuri's every move. At the end of the day, we would embrace him and tell him what he needs to hear.

Yuuri's feet would sometimes get sore from a whole day's worth of intense training. Victor would go get some medical supplies and I would be there to apply the necessary medications. Of course, like others, we always put safety first. But if Yuuri insists to go on, then we would.

One day, when Victor wasn't able to join us, Yuuri and I skated the program together. In the midst of the program, I slowed down to a stop to watch Yuuri. His mind drifts to the story he is creating and his heart dances in front of my eyes. I smiled at the beauty and grace he is showing. "Very beautiful," I whispered to myself. It seemed as if it was my heart who spoke out but all I'm sure is that it is smiling to the radiating beauty it feels.

Hours of practice turned into days. As I look back, Yuuri has improved a lot and he continues to improve every day. Seeing your students improve and stand up on their own feet and soon, rise higher than you is what would make me the happiest.

Often I wonder how Yuri is doing as well. Surely he trains as hard as Yuuri does. And surely, he would also take me by surprise and then he isn't the little Yuri who looks up at me. Maybe soon enough, I would be the one looking up at him. To the boy who became a little brother to me, the boy who cried in front of me, the boy who opened up to me, the one who's wings would take him to greater heights than mine, let's meet in the finals.

It was another day at the rink. Victor and I were about to play the CD when I remembered that the music is still unnamed. "What's wrong?" Victor asked.

"It's still unnamed," I answered.

Victor called Yuuri. "Yuuri, you haven't named the piece. What will it be?"

Yuuri skated towards the side of the rink, to us. I gave him a marker while Victor held the CD out to him. He uncapped the pen and stared at the CD for a while, thinking of a good name. He then wrote on the disk and smiled.

"Yuuri on Ice," I read it aloud.

Victor nodded his head, "Yeah, perfect."

Days of practice turned into months. It is September now. This will be our season.

One morning, I was walking around the town to buy some vegetables. I volunteered to do the shopping and help in the expenses of Yuuri's parents in exchange for our stay here, and also, Yuuri's first competition this season is just around the corner. We need to buy some necessities.

As I walk around, there are banners posted outside of houses that show support to Yuuri. There was one placed upon a bulletin board saying "Let's Send the Power of Sports Throughout Japan! Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu Figure Skating Championship".

I can say the whole country is getting fired up as well. I'm pretty sure Yuuri would not fail to surprise everyone as well. This is going to be a very great season.

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